
I'm too shy too participate at political marches!!?

by  |  earlier

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When I go to rallies or marches I really admire those people that can chant and march with enthusiasm. I'm just too shy to paticipate. I'll march too and I care about the issue but I can't seem to just open my mouth and chant too. Any ideas on how I can open up and be less shy?




  1. Stay the way you are.Marchers and chanters have too much time on their hands.Mostly they just annoy the rest of us.We're the ones with jobs,duties and lives to lead.

  2. I agree with the previous answer. If you want to be loud and outgoing however, you need to learn how to let go of any fears you might have. You subconsciously probably believe that people judge you. Don't worry about it.

    Also, getting very involved in the issue you are fighting for might help your cause.

  3. Chant?  How important can an issue be to you if you can't chant about it?

  4. Why not just be happy with who you are? No reason everyone has to be loud and outgoing. :-)

  5. Just being there is good enough. You don't have to scream and shout to get your voice heard. You should be proud of yourself for exercising such an important right we have in this country. Not only do you represent your views, but you are also honoring those who have given their lives to such a worthy cause. Keep up the good work.

  6. Rather than chanting, you could maybe do more with reasoned, coherent argument at You can make your view known on any and every issue. It really is a community site, for every community.

  7. Omg, I'm soooo shy too. Ever since I was born. Ahahaha....and that's kind of my problem also. Hey, why not do that with friends? Or your best friend? I mean....If I were with my best friend-I think I'll be more okay with chanting along. Cauze I'm like too shy....with everything. It scares me-and I get too nervous;[

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