
I'm totally panicking over this, military housing help!?

by Guest61623  |  earlier

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I live in a military housing community that has a "no reptile" policy. We couldn't find another home for our snake when we moved in. He was even listed on the application but no one said anything but its in our lease that we're not supposed to have it. I accidentally spilled the beans when I called maintenance. She asked if we had any pets and what kind and I told her what we had. I don't know what got into me. Anyway now I don't know what to do. Should I play dumb that I "didn't know" if the management office calls? I'm really scared because I don't want to get kicked out. we haven't ever gotten in any trouble. I see tons of neighbors violating various policies in the neighborhood all the time. If anyone has any experience with this I would appreciate the help




  1. I would guess that, if you talk to them, they will let you off with a warning. But you need to figure out something to do with the snake. You cannot keep it, especially now that they know you have it.  

  2. First off, calm down. It is stressful when you get landed with everything, I KNOW. My husband is a snake lover too. Most on post housing does not allow exotic animals. We have a snake too! And we live on post. This snake has been with us for five years and my husband is in love with it, gross I know. He simply told one of the ladies in management about the snake. She looked over the cage and saw that it was locked when shutting it. So it can’t get out. She had us sign a paper stating that any damages that the snake caused we would be accountable for. We signed it and had no problems. We have moved into a new house and  no one has asked if we still have it or not. I think at worse they would tell you that you have to get rid of the snake or move out. But I would just say nothing until someone says something to you. Then just say I thought my husband took care of it?! I know they will take that excuse. Go from there. Good luck!

  3. You are not going to get kicked out for a pet violation -- not unless you have like a green mamba or something. My recommendation is to play dumb.  The worst the Housing Office will do is give you a period of time to get rid of it -- so you can give it to another good home. Your husband may be called into the Shirt's office but it won't be a big deal.

  4. so you KNEW about the policy and lied anyway.  just because somebody else is violating policy, it's okay for YOU to as well?   what if the housing office decides that  it's time to make an example and pick YOU to be the one they kick out?  

  5. It is the military so you can blow the implied consent out of the window. It will catch up to you eventually and there is a potential issue later. Not for your neighbors but for YOU.

    Your husband should understand all of this. So this could be an issue for his family.... for a snake. You could be booted regardless of what others do. How is he going to feel when this all becomes an issue?

    Get rid of the flippin snake.  

  6. i agree with (tlsho) i wouldn't worry too much about it, and if they ever do say anything, deal with it then. i honestly dont think the maintenance people care all that much, or at least in my experience. and lets be honest, it may not be right, but i see housing violations all the time and i never see anything done about. somethings i have witnessed have been pretty severe and even still with the housing offices knowledge no action has been taken. like i said i wouldn't worry.

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