
I'm travelling to Chile for a week. What's a reasonable budget per day.?

by Guest67240  |  earlier

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Going to Santiago. Looking to stay at a decent apart-hotel, eat what a local would, get around by bus, go out at night perhaps twice.




  1. $61 per person per day  covers accommodations and local transportation.

  2. This depends a lot on how you define decent hotel and where you go out at night.  Generally food is a little cheaper in Chile than in the U.S., especially at grocery stores.  Hotels range from very cheap for hostels (around $15/night) to comparable to US prices for high quality.  You'll have to determine what your budget/lifestyle will allow.  Hostels can be louder at night and provide less privacy.  Buses are cheap, should be around 50 cents to $1 each time you board (those are Valparaíso prices).  However, if you're going out at night and decide to take a taxi, minimum fares are $2 to $5 and may cost more depending on where they are taking you.  Whenever possible, agree on the price of the taxi or collectivo before you enter.  To get an accurate estimate, I would research the places you want to stay before leaving.  Hope this helps.  

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