
I'm truly miserable...?

by  |  earlier

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If you look at my profile my last question will explain a lot I don't feel like refrasing it. Basically I got dropped by the love of my life when I needed her most. She is the only real person I know out here I moved out here for her. I have no friends, my car just completly died on me, my job is really becoming stressfull and hard, I got a $540 dollar fine I can't affored to pay becuase of my car and the fact everything paper work wise was fake and he framed me for stealing it. I still owe my grandpa $500 dollars for the car even though its no longer useable, on top of owing like $600 to my credit car company becuase of parts for it. Now I don't have a car to get to work and have to walk really far and becuase of owing money I cant afford another car. Now I have to move further from my job becuase my current place is being renivated to get higher paying tenates. I have nothing to look forword to or cheer me up. I have no one to tell me its gonna be alright, I'm miserable




  1. sell your computer =)

  2. Do you have Family? I would say to move with them until you can get yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy.  It seems to me that you really need to just relax.  Take things one day at a time. As long as you have your health you'll be fine.  Do not get into a relationship right now it won't be a healthy place for you right now in your life.  

    So that is my advise...Move in with your family and focus on  you right now.

    Good Luck!

  3. Typical. Women always leave when you need them the most because they are selfish.

    The first lesson is never move or rearrange your life for a woman. NEVER!

    Second lesson is to avoid being in so much debt that something like your car breaking down can completely destroy your life.

    Now for the fix: You need to get rid of the car and get a part-time job on the weekends.. preferably at a restaurant. Why? Because its a good environment to meet people and make friends. Work at a restaurant on weekends and save save save!

    You can turn this around, just be strong and patient.

  4. It will pass! Start to focus on the good that you have. I know, tough pill to swallow right now. Do something for yourself and try to enjoy it, we all wake up with the same problems only some people choose not to worry, and some wallow in the pain.  Attack one issue at a time and stay positive, this is the only life you have, so smile and make changes, it always comes out in the wash. Hey your not in jail, your not in Iraq, and your not in the Hospital, you are doing O.K.

  5. As long as you have your hands, you can still work and pay off those debt.  Hang in there man!

  6. I've been in a few situations like that, not as bad, but hurt a lot, and only then do you realize how good people can be. I will pray for you my friend, and do know that no matter what, things always change for the best, you cannot stay a constant on the low end, things always change, that's how life works. Let this be a lesson though, learn the most you can so that this situation does not go in vain, and do your part to be a good person, God sees that, he really does, just believe in him, not because I am telling you, but because you feel it, and when that happens, things begin to change. Do the best you can to live better for yourself, and don't worry about making anyone happy. Best of luck to you, and I will have you on my prayers.

  7. You are going to have to look out for yourself, everyone around you is bogus. Find a cheaper apartment and get a bike and save up for a new car. Dont worry about fines and grampa until you are okay. Keep that job its keeping you afloat. You will feel better when you are independent and find a new girlfriend.

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