
I'm trying AGAIN to start a Vegetarian lifestyle today, please help me to be strong and KEEP UP with it!!!???

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How to be strong and ignore your mind to get use to it?




  1. once i watched meet your meat on i was a vegan for life

    if you can watch that and still be tempted then you are obviously not committed

    good luck

  2. Ask yourself why you went veg in the first place and if it's something you truly want to do. If it is, then stick with it. If it's too hard for you to just stop eating all meats at once, then do it gradually by removing one meat at a time. Good luck and I hope you stick with it!

  3. If you do it for ethical reasons, it's not that hard.  If you're doing it for "health" then it's like any other "diet" and willpower is just not going to do it.

  4. After the first month, it's a piece of cake.  Just hang in there until then.  For me, after 15 years now, I don't even think of meat as being food.  Would never even occur to me to actually put it in my mouth.

  5. if its that hard you shouldn't be a vegetarian!

    no one said it was healthier..

  6. If its really that hard, then why be a vegetarian? I'm a vegetarian and haven't missed eating meat.

  7. I have been a vegan since i was 12 years old.I am 18 years old now.It was hard to change what i ate in the beginning.My best advice to (1) decide if u really want to become a vegetarian,(2) write down why u want to become one,(3) write something like a quote or a note to urself and hang it somewhere u will see it,(4) and when ever u want to go back to not being one go and look at it.

  8. It shouldn't be hard at all unless you eat meat alot, in which case it's a good thing you are a vegetarian. The best thing is to go to the library and bookstores and find a good basic vegetarian cookbook so that you know different things to make. Don't get one with 'gourmet' in the title because they usually have too many fancy ingredients that are hard to find in regular stores. Also, if you haven't frequented a produce market in your area, look it up online because you're gonna be eating more fresh fruits and veggies hopefully! It sounds like you may not know how to cook from scratch and rely on packaged stuff? It's important to learn how to cook. Go to the bookstore right away! Good luck...

  9. Figure out what your biggest challenges are and do things that target those times or foods. Like some of the others say, vegetarianism isn't for everyone so maybe it just isn't for you. Then again, there are others that make the transition very gradually and maybe that would help you. If you really want to be a vegetarian, do what you can for now, and make small strides when they are comfortable for you. Be proud of the achievements you make. If you are making an effort, you have to feel good about that. Everyone should do things at their own pace. When you have a moment of weakness and eat something you were trying not to, let it go and move on. Dwelling on it or turning it into a failure in your mind is self-defeating. Just let go and move on. If you really want to succeed, eventually these moments will decrease.

  10. Watch every time you think about eating meat.  Before long, you will picture it instead of having to watch it.  It's like retraining your brain to be turned off by meat.

    Good luck and stay strong.

  11. Hi Tamara, you are right, it is the mind that is the main problem when embarking on anything new.  On the one hand you want to do something which you know is healthy, but on the other hand your old habits want to be fed, so an internal split is created and going crazy with craving is the outcome.  

    You need to use some methods at least in the beginning which will help to keep your focus.  Please feel free to email me and I can send you some info which will help.

  12. I agree you can watch  but hang in there. Any one can do it, its like all things in life it takes commitment and a little bit of work, just remeber a vegitarian saves more than 100 animal lives a year.

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