
I'm trying out for my vollley ball team and need maga help?

by  |  earlier

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I need a few ponters... try-outs r nov.6 so please answer fast!!!!!!!!! well i can bump pretty well and i need help in spiking and setting and serving. umm i noot big on running so if ur help includes that please don't put that but put ur help... anyways, anything would be apprictated (sp?) thanku!!!!!




  1. As far as setting goes - I would just try to bump set.  It will take you longer then a week to get the touch to do it proper.  Plus the bump set is just as effective if you are a good passer.  Easy one for serving, is to hit a ball at a wall.  You make a mark on the wall about 8 ft. high and then stand about 20 ft. away from the wall.  Then just keep serving the ball above that mark.  As you get more confident, try to hit different spots on the wall.

  2. Train hard

  3. i have tryouts soon too... about the whole setting thing.. make so ur thumbs and pointer finger make a triangle and use only ur fingertips.... and for serving.. practice against the wall..believe it or not it helps.. for spiking and serving... do down balls on a wall.. {perferably in a gym} hit the ball so it hit the ground then the wall then u hit the ball again so it goes.... floor wall hit floor wall hit floor wall hit... !SNAP UR WRIST AND JUMP HIGH! <<<big part and for bumping just remember not to jump or swing your arms... best of luck too you!! hope you make it!!

  4. setting is hard and im sure you know how to do it just practice that and spiking i dont know serving is one ting i do know i was a server for my team just prctice against a wall over and under hand just not inside

  5. wen ur at home bord hold ur hitting hand up and ur other hand infront (wherever u spike at)and smack ur aim hand. make sure to go all the way through and flick your wrist

  6. For Spiking the ball make sure you keep your eye on the ball and set yourself up so that when you jump to spike, you take 2 steps, leaping at the end of the second step hand extended behind head and sweeping forward to strike the ball as it drops within your striking range. Good Luck.

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