So I'm really bad at art. I just can't do it. I have this werid fear that if I try to draw, I'll do it wrong. I got the Drawing From the Right Side of the Brain book to help me. I'm just having confidence problems. I think I realize that I'm using my logical side too much and I'm doing little things to try to connect my right brain with my body, even trying to develop my left hand more. I took art class last year to try and help me. I had to choose between grade 9 and 10 and chose 9. My Guidance Counsellor is ignorant and said 10 was the exact same as 9. I knew she was lying so I stuck with 9. Then I get my schedule and it said 10. I didn't want to change it so I was stuck. Well I was right, it was harder. Everyone was so good and I was absolute c**p. So I dropped out. This kid next to me said he couldn't draw, when he was actually really good at it. I hate it when people say that, it just makes me feel worse about myself. So that's it. How do I get better at art?