
I'm trying to complete a literacy course and I am struggling on this question, can anyone help?

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Why language, both spoken and written has changed, use examples from your own reading, research and experience, and state what impact it has has on your own teaching.




  1. Well cultures mix so the language changes.  I just watched a show on the history International channel that talked about how the french language was more prominent in England until the plauge killed a lot of the gentry population then english peasants became the upper class so english ruled.  Go to the history channel website and search around:O)

  2. For one, technology...think about all the new words that pop up today that weren't there only a few years back.  (e.g. 'blog')  Technology creates a void in our language.

    Also, the mixture of cultures.  You don't have to speak Spanish to use its vocabulary everyday as an American:

    siesta, sombrero, rodeo...

  3. I would use the example of how many students text message and the affect it is having on their writing.  I am glad I teach math, most of the English teachers I know are challenged by this issue.  Getting students to write in complete correct sentences can be trying.

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