
I'm trying to conceive. Anyone else in the TWW?

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I am 4DPO and going nuts already. LoL, just wanted to see if anyone else is with me. :-)




  1. I'm in that window. Today is CD 22 and I am expecting a 33 day cycle so I'm just getting started with the wait. I felt some boob soreness yesterday so here's to that.

    Good luck and baby dust.

  2. I am beyond nuts!!  I am 10 DPO and I have already taken three tests!  All BFN and I am trying to wait another day before I take another one.  I think I might be hallucinating my symptoms b/c usually after I take the test and see the negative they go away for a while.  Trust and believe that you are not the only one out there!!!!!!  There are so many of us and stay on answers for a while and you will come to get familiar with some of the regulars.

    Baby Dust to You and all of the TWWer's

    Shout out to Brandy I and Dr. Phil with b***s, I think we are on the same cycle and I have been praying for BFP's for us all.  

  3. I am 9 dpo and losing my mind, I am going through a testing frenzy, I have been testing for a week now all with bfn...obviously it's way too soon and I am feeling more crushed with each negative test but I can't help I used the opk's this month and I feel like we did everything right so I will be devastated if I don't get my bfp soon...this is my 6th month of ttc so my heart goes out to all of the ladies that have been trying for a very long time, I don't know how they stay sane. My mind has my body believing I am pregnant every single month so I can't even go by any type of pregnancy signs at this My poor hubby thinks...I mean knows, that I am losing my mind and there is nothing he can do to I hope we all get our BFP very soon:)

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