
I'm trying to create a Access form. HELP??

by Guest44929  |  earlier

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I'm teaching myself to use Access. I've got the basic form and tables, each table is a question 1 field is the answers, 1 field the value of the answer. When you pick your answer in the combo box I would like the value to show up in a text box. There are about 25 questions all answers are "yes""no" & "N/A" when all is done I will need a % of all the answers. Have I dug myself into a never ending pit of confusion or can the really be done.

Please remember I have no idea what I'm doing so please try to keep it simple. If possible.




  1. This can be done, but frankly at this point it is too deep for you

    Access, unlike with Word and Excel, is not intuitive, so there is a lot of learning you must do

  2. This would take a lot of explaining, but really isn't that hard.  I think You will need to start over though, since "each table is a question" sounds off...

    To Me there would be ONE Table with fields like "Test#", "TestName", "Question#", "QuestionText", "Answer".

    And a 2nd table with fields like "UserID", "TestDate", "Test#", "Question#", "UserAnswer".

    Then a Macro would add the Questions for a specific Test from the 1st table to the 2nd for a Specific User on a Specific Date and open a form to record the answers for each question. Then the tables would be compared in Queries & Reports to establish the %Correct.

    Check out the Microsoft Knowledge base and see if they still have the sample DB "NORTHWIND" available.  It has walk-thrus and explanations on how to do lots of stuff like this.  You could also have the wizard build You a database using one of the "Templates" and see how they do similar things.

    Also, go ahead an check out some of the free courses they have online.  A generic SQL and Relational Database course would also help, since Access uses SQl and is a program that builds Relational Databases...

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