
I'm trying to decide between irishcarrentals. com and enterprise rent a car in dublin for a weeks stay?

by  |  earlier

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Any suggestions or experiences with either, would be helpful. thanks




  1. i'm heading into dublin later this week for a vacation, and after checking around and talking to both companies, i'm going with enterprise.

    a lot of people have problems with enterprise in general for various reasons, but they were willing to beat the irish car rental price, and overall, their level of friendliness and professionalism was higher. on top of that, their waiver insurance was lower and if we opt not to take it, they don't lock out the amount of the deductible on the credit card as a safe guard (which is important for me since my credit cards have fairly low limits on them and it would totally max them out otherwise). when traveling to britain a few yrs ago, we went with enterprise then too and didn't regret it in the least.

    of course, i may say differently after actually using them this time, lol, but so far enterprise has impressed me much more.

  2. Are you interested in the companies as far as price is concerned...if you are I am visiting next month and got several referrals to and I got a really good rate.

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