
I'm trying to do less drugs, but don't really have much else to do...?

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So I've decided to cut back on my drug use and try to enjoy life more while i'm sober. trouble is, i don't have a whole lot else going for me at the moment. does anybody have any ideas for how i can pass the time better / meet people i'm not just friends with because we do drugs together? And don't tell me to go to Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, or any other rehab org. I wont go. Thanks.




  1. I suggest to buy a hand drum either a dejembe,, bongos or doumbek hand drum and learn to play some rhythms and search out drum circles and just other hand drummers.

    Middle Eastern rhythms are fun to play on  doumbeks and usually are played for belly dancers.

    Djembe drums usually African rhythms and drum circle rhythms and can be used with African dancers.

    Even just alone drumming is a  satisfying expreience. It takes time to learn and practice, practice and when others are involved it is a very social experience.

  2. try just hitting up local bars or some new ppl that way

  3. Well, just stop doing drugs unless your planning on early death and a painful one with that...Oh, and find new friends that aren't druggies!

  4. Speaking as an ex H addict, I know how daunting life without drugs is, but it is so much better, and more fulfilling when you are thinking with a clear head and no longer a slave to something which does nothing but s***w your head up.

    Taking up a sport is good, I started swimming, was there any things you used to enjoy before you got into drugs? Try and get back into these things.

    It isn't always easy to stop taking drugs, but it sounds like you know you need to stop, and that is a good sign. You can do it, without doubt, despite any relapses you may have to begin with.  

  5. Join something. Volunteer in a sports, arts, political, homeless, church, or other program. You'll meet people and feel better about yourself.  

  6. Get into fitness man. I've been there and its the best decision I've made so far.

    Getting that adrenaline going, supply that serotonin in your brain.

    So instead of thinking about altering your brain chemistry with drugs, plan  on building your supplies each morning. Exercising when you first wake up is the most important thing to do to produce dopamine and serotonin that'll last you throughout the day.

    Take it one day at a time.

    Suggestions: Yoga, kickboxing, rockclimbing, walk your dog, ride your bicycle, dip in the pool.  

  7. dunno, try picking up a hobby that you cant do on drugs. Maybe rock climbing? Try weight lifting, donate your time to some kind of vol. Organization. Or Vol. Firefighting! that's the best. pick up a musical instrument. spend time with family. just some suggestions. good luck

  8. please dont do anymore drugs

    ur only hurting urself, just try and

    ask ur self what ur gonna be happy

    with and just follow that. i dont

    know how old u r but maybe u could

    try a new hobby, get a better job,

    enroll on a new course...

    but always remember to ask God

    for help aswell. just please stay

    away from drugs from now on and i

    promise u will be so much better off

    it maybe hard at first but u will

    feel sooooooooo much better and

    u will be soooooo much more proud

    of urself. just the fact that ur willing

    to let go of it shows how much of a strong

    person u r........good luck =)=)=)

    be strong, stay positive n keep smiling


  9. Take a class like pottery, stained glass, woodworking - something you would like.  Usually classes meet once or twice a week for a few hours.  You could also volunteer to help at the local homeless shelter, soup kitchen or humane society.  Call a friend and go out and get a sandwich or an ice cream once a week.  

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