
I'm trying to figure out how this word would look like in pronunciation key form. Help please?

by Guest66731  |  earlier

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The word I'm trying to make into a pronunciation key is Braceyism. Yes it is random but that's the point. You know how at the beginning of dictionary they have that funny looking place where they have the pronunciation of the word? Where some letters are upside down and have lines over them? That's what I'm attempting to do with this word. Please help! I'd like an accurate one! Thanks.




  1. Brā - sē - ĭz - əm

    (with help from

    Find words with equivalent sounds, copy the parts you want, and build the whole word.

    I used -




  2. brAceyism

    ^^what i came up with lol :)

    ex: ô is for wounds like orbit, or fall it, if it were in its reg. form it would be ox

    u   sofa (sO ´fu ), ite m (I ´tu m), easi ly (E ´zu lE ), canno n (kan´u n), circu s (sÛr´ku s)

    a a ct (akt), ba t (bat)

    A a pe (A p), fai l (fA l), day (dA )

    â ai r (âr), ca re (kâr)

    ä a rt (ärt), fa ther (fä´ðu r)

    b b ack (bak), lab or (lA ´bu r), cab (kab)

    ch ch in (chin), hatch et (hach´u t), rich (rich)

    d d ock (dok), lad y (lA ´dE ), sad (sad)

    e e nd (end), stea dy (sted´E ), me t (met)

    E e ve (E v), clea r (klE r), see (sE )

    f f at (fat), ph ase (fA z), cough (kôf)

    g g et (get), bigg er (big´u r), tag (tag)

    h h and (hand), ah ead (u hed´)

    hw wh eel (hwE l), wh ich (hwich)

    i i t (it), pi ll (pil), mi rror (mir´u r)

    I i ron (I ´u rn), eye (I ), buy er (bI ´u r)

    j j am (jam), g ing er (jin´ju r), edg e (ej)

    k k it (kit), tack le (tak´u l), c ook (kook)

    l l ittl e (lit´u l), holl y (hol´E), pull (pool)

    m m an (man), hamm er (ham´u r), climb (klI m)

    n n ew (noo), kn own (nO n), winn er (win´u r)

    ng sing ing (sing´ing), fin ger (fing´gu r), sang (sang), san k (sangk)

    o ho t (hot), bo dy (bod´E )

    O o ver (O ´vu r), ho pe (hO p), grow (grO )

    ô o rbit (ôr´bit), fa ll (fôl), saw (sô)

    oo foo t (foot), wo lf (woolf), pu t (poot), pu re (pyoor)

    OO boo t (bOO t), lo se (lOO z), drew (drOO ), true (trOO )

    oi oi l (oil), roy al (roi´u l), boy (boi)

    ou ou t (out), crow d (kroud), how (hou)

    p p ip e (pI p), happ y (hap´E )

    r r oad (rO d), appear ed (u pE rd´), car penter (kär´pu ntu r)

    s s o (sO ), c ite (sI t), bas te (bA st)

    sh sh all (shal), s ure (shOO r), nati on (nA ´shu n)

    t t ight (tI t), bett er (bet´u r), t alked (tôkt)

    th th in (thin), bath (bath)

    ð th en (ðen), fath er (fä´ðu r), bath e (bA ð)

    u bu t (but), floo d (flud), so me (sum)

    Û cu rl (kÛrl), gi rl (gÛrl), fe rn (fÛrn), wo rm (wÛrm)

    v v est (vest), triv ial (triv´E u l), ev e (E v)

    w w ax (waks), tw ins (twinz), cow ard (kou´u rd)

    y y ou (yOO ), oni on (un´yu n)

    z z ipper (zip´u r), eas e (E z), treads (tredz)

    zh pleas ure (plezh´u r), roug e (rOO zh)

    Foreign Sounds:

    ö as in French peu (pö), German Goe the (gö´tu )

    ü as in French Clu ny (klünE ´)

    kh as in German ach (äkh), ich (ikh); Scottish loch (lokh)

    N this symbol indicates that the preceding vowel is nasal as in French ci nq (saNk), u n (öN), sa ns (säN), to mbe (tôNb), e n (äN)

    hope i helped!! :)

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