
I'm trying to find a phone number from a warehouse in!!!?

by  |  earlier

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the thing is that i'm trying to find my friend in mexico and i know he works at his dads warehouse, i tryed yellow pages in mexico but there not there...i only know the name of the place and the city name...i hope some one knows a way to the white pages in mexico..that will be my best shot finding my friend...need white pages info for morelia michoacan......thanks...




  1. Google  (name of the warehouse) "Morelia Michoacan Mexico"

  2. I've tried several ways. The only one I've found is using the Telmex page, but you need a telmex phone number and a receipt number... go figure!

    Other way I can think of is contact a person in Morelia who can look for it for you in the paper whitepages

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