
I'm trying to find some activitys for children in the first grade.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i work in an after school care setting as a coordinator and my children absolutely love to go outside and have a run around, so lots of different sports to play are a good can warm up with games such as red rover, stuck in the mud, tips etc and then get into the real, dodgeball, skipping, hulla hoops etc.

    they also like to play different games using a parachute..these are great fun.

    different craft...paddle pop stick are good to use.

    chalk art...drawing on the cement with chalk.

    obstacle courses....children like to help create these as well...and time them...i had some children create an army style obstacle course the other day....they loved pretending they were in the was hilarious

  2. you can do one thing, if you want them to enjoy,we can apoint a modern dancing teacher to teach them how to dance, nowadays children are more fasinated with this sort of things ,so tyr it or ihave got another one you can tell them to creat a fairy tell (you may teach them how to write like SLEEPING BEAUTY etc)with nice pictures.You can also tell them to perform it or dsecribe it through an act.

  3. If permitted, you could have them make their own snacks:  

    1. Trail mix: let them choose to mix the following items: raisins, dry cereal (Cheerios or Lucky Charms), chocolate or peanut butter chips, sunflower seeds, and coconut, etc.

    2. Instant pudding: pour the powder pudding mix and milk in individual cups and let them stir until ready.

    3. Make peanut butter play-dough (powdered milk and peanut butter mixed to a play-dough consistency)...after they have finished playing with it, they can eat it!  Just be sure they wash their hands well before handling the play-dough.

    Provide a variety of games:

    1. Connect Four

    2. Dominoes

    3. Hi-Ho Cherry-O

    4. Chutes and Ladders

    5. Candyland

    Or group games:

    1. Simon Says

    2. Red Light, Green Light

    3. Freeze Tag

    4. Dodge-ball (with foam balls)

    Provide music and have wiggle time!  Free dance! Or get some music with verbal instructions they can follow.

    Provide clay (which doesn't dry out like play-dough) for them to create things with.

    Maybe have tables set up with different activities on each table.  You could have an art table with watercolor paints, crayons and clay.  Have another table for snack and another tables or group of tables for board games.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Your library may have pac-o-fun magazine loads of ideas here. duck duck goose. Start making holiday crafts inspire the parents it's not too far away!

  5. Is it educational related or a "babysitting-daycare" type of environment? If education related, hop on websites using a search of lesson plans and look under grades K-1st or 2nd. Check (I believe) there are alot of activites that are fun and educational to do.

  6. Activities for first graders... color, read, puzzles, activity books...

  7. After being in class all day, the children probably need physical activity, at least for a while. You might borrow some music from the school library or music teacher to let them dance to.

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