
I'm trying to get preggo ,but my cycle is irrgular?

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I'm trying to get preggo ,but my cycle is irregular what can I do to make my cycle regular?




  1. Going to your OB is the best advice I can give you. Your OB will give you an option whether you go on the pill for a few months to make you regular, or take a fertility pill, probably clomid.  If you opt for the pill, you will take it for like 4-5 months to let your ovaries "sleep" and this is with regular visits with your OB. When you stop taking the pill your OB will advise you on the specific days that you have to have  intercourse, so far this worked for a lot of people and yes they conceived. For the fertility pill, you can take it to make you ovulate though there is a chance that you will conceive but not right away, and you still have to check for signs when you are ovulating.  

  2. I was on BC for three months but after that my cycles have been an average of 3 months long. I recently tried drinking some tea with vitex in it all though you can take the pill form. I think it might have worked but we aren't sure yet.... good luck!!

  3. i was put on birth control to get mine regular, but other than that i am not sure, sorry good luck

  4. If you want to regulate your cycle you can talk with a doctor about options that might include BCP or Clomid.  If you just want to determine when you are ovulating then you could use OPK's and chart your temperatures, those used together are a great at-home method that doesn't require any drugs or medical involvement.  If you cycle is irregular enough it could be an indication that you might not be ovulating which you would need a doctors help with.  That was my case and Clomid got me back on track.  Good luck!!!

  5. I'm very irregular too but i don't want to go on birth control because I'm trying o conceive.  I used answer ovulation kits they works very good.. check for your cervical mucus too when it looks like a raw eggs it means your on ur fertile days.  GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. Birth control pills will definitely help.  Beyond that talk to your doctor or OBGYN and see what they recommend.

    Good Luck.

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