
I'm trying to help my boyfriend find a job, but he's felon.?

by  |  earlier

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Do you know where they'll hire him if he has a felony for crimial mischief and a misdeamenor for burgalay?




  1. Maybe he should go see his parole officer and ask him/her.  Let him grow up and help himself.  If he wants to change let him show it himself.  Believe me you won't change him, it never happens.

  2. Sounds like a real gem you got there. Let me guess, you think you can change him? Because deep down he's a real good guy who just made a few "mistakes" in his life. Are you that naive? It's no mistake to break into another person'e house and steal from them. That's not a mistake, it's a blatant disregard for another person's property, privacy, and personal safety. Odds are that he will do this again. Do you really want to put yourself through that? Do you want to subject yourself to searches to go see your man when he is back in prison? Do you really have that low self esteem? Do yourself a favor and walk away. Because I can almost guarantee he will do the same to you.

  3. The parole office ought to have some job postings geared toward felons. Try the social services office also, they will usually be glad to help with his search. (the last thing they want is another welfare case)

  4. I am a PO and we help felons get jobs on a regular basis.  I'm in CA and I can tell you that Starbucks, Blockbuster, and Togo's will hire anyone, felony or not.  So will moving companies (fyi if you ever hire a moving company, you need to know that probably every dude who comes into your house and is moving your stuff is a felon.).  He might need to lower his standards and get a job at one of those places.  It's better than no job at all.

  5. No and that is to bad he did his time for his crime but that felony will be with him the rest of his life.

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