
I'm trying to impress this guy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm flat chested, and i want to impress him with a little cleavage. i can get the cleavage with a certain bra that i own, except only lasts for a few minutes before my b***s go back to normal. how can i keep my cleavage?! does duct tape really work?




  1. That's P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C

  2. Do you have a cute bum? That will take attention from the surfboard up top!  Tell him you give great oral s*x and you swallow! He won't care how flat your chest is then!

    failing that, cut your hair short and talk like a man and head down to a g*y bar....

  3. seriously,? duk tape?? nope!. , get a smaller bra !

    but,, havn evrythn hangign out leaves nothn 2 the imagination. hel jus think ur cheap.

  4. dont impress him if he all of a sudden likes you it is becasuse of your fake b***s and if he finds out u will become a boob and embarass yourself and that will make him like your assets so in my mind he would like S****y girls get some dignity and wait for some

    help with mine;...

  5. ummmmmmm idk but if a guy only cares about clevage, then i guess the world shouldnt look @ personality. I find personaltiy way better than looks WWJD fool!

  6. Beauty is skin deepp.

    There ara a lot of guys that do not find large b*****s attractive.

    So just benaturall and yourself.

    I am sure he will like you anyway.

  7. no it doesnt.

  8. I don't think duct tape would be a good idea.  Try buying a padded push-up bra.  That should give you some cleavage.

  9. Listen, surfboard chest, if you want to impress a guy, play your strengths.

    Any man who will date you is probably in to flat girls anyways and if you try to stretch those things, they are just going to be both small and saggy.

    h**l, why wear a bra? You are flat, you can get away with it.

    You really want to impress a guy? Make him a sandwich, bring him a cold drink and ask him about his hobby of choice. Look interested and nod when he answers.

  10. Booze, lots and lots of booze...

  11. you are trying too hard to impress a guy for the wrong reasons...

  12. stuff a lot of grapes in your bra. it's totally hot. we get really turned on by grapes, and seeing a big bunch of them stuffed in your shirt will probably make him have s*x with you right there.


    No darling, duct tape will not work. You can draw your cleavage with permanent marker. Or use some bronzer to create cleavage. You sound like an idiot for asking this question, have a good life.

  14. Sarah Sarah Sarah.. my advice would be to be fake. you want to impress him by showing off your features which are good. If you think you have nicer areas of your body then show them off instead, i.e your bum, smile, eyes, legs..?

    im not going to be fake myself and say that you dont need to show anything off because i believe that physical attraction is important for any couple and if you like this guy then dont show off your less quality features and focus on your better parts =] we all have our good and ad parts.  

  15. 4get the cleavage


    work your lips lipstick and lipgloss combined talk nicely and make up your eyes mascara alot alot good kind though and perfume dont use your body use your looks and mind have decent coversation ask about him and his hobbies always seem intrested, ask question about what he just told you. and have nice clothes.

    this mite help

    and try this one also

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