
I'm trying to improve my short game, i want to purchase wedges, when should i use 52,56,60,64 wedges.?

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when should i play the following wedges 52,56,60 and 64 wedges




  1. never you should carry no more than three wedges that being a 52, 56, and 60, however i personally feel that that is too many and that a good 52, and a 58 is a great combination.

  2. You'll hear a lot of different things on wedges.  I own a gap wedge 53*(it's called a gap wedge because it bridges the gap between your pitching wedge and your sand wedge distance wise).  It can be 52* too.  I also own a 56* and a 60* wedge.  I rarely hit my 60* wedge.  I use the 53* sparingly.  It helps to know how far you hit each club.  What I found myself doing was using my pitching wedge and sand wedge(56*) the most.  I would vary the grip and hit half and three quarter shots with both of them.  All my sand play and 98% of my chipping is done with my 56*.  I will use a more lofted club when I want to get more roll on the ball.  A 64* wedge just stops the ball quicker on the green.  I can do that with my 56* by laying it flat open effectively giving it 60* of loft.  I just use my pitching and sand wedges for short game purposes with a more lofted iron (7 or 8) on occasion.  You will have to figure out what works for you.  My short game saves me a great deal when I play and I have found something that works for me.

  3. You should only use the 64* wedge when you want to hit yourself in the right eye!

  4. I assume you're a beginner. I don't recommend either a 60 or especially 64 for a new player. A 3 wedge system will suffice for the average player.  Learn how far you hit each with different length swings.  Good Luck.

  5. alright a simple answer 52-120yds in

                                             56-105yds in

                                             60-85yds in

    you should never need a 64 degree wedge, heres my solution i work at carolina custom golf:buy a 54 and bend it to 52 grind it down to 4 degrees of bounce, buy a 58 degree wedge bend it to 57 closer to sand wedge grind it down to 2 degrees of bounce, buy a 60 degree wedge bend it to 62 and have them grind the back of the club and also take it to 0 degrees of bounce

    my suggestion is to buy titleist volkey spin milled wedges i play them with the setup i described above and i have won 5 of 7 tounaments you can do the same with mizunos wedges

    f.y.i. they dont make a 64 degree wedge

  6. The simple answer is, whenever you need to!  This is just me, but I don't take a full swing with my wedges.  For example, if I can hit my SW (56*) about 110 on a full swing, I'll only hit it from about 85 yds or closer.  Between 85 yds and 100 I use my 52 and from 100 to a full PW (about 130), I'll just take something off my PW. At wedge distance, you're looking for accuracy, so a 'less-than-full' swing gives you a better chance at hitting your target line. Also, for an average golfer, a full swing with a SW increases the liklihood of hitting it thin, chunking it, or scooping it.  All three of those can lead to disaster.

    Around the green, I use my 56, unless I am chipping uphill or out of think rough, then I'll drop down to the 52.

    As for the 60 and 64 degree.  I have both and I carry the 64. But as a rule, I only use it when I absolutly need it. If you don't have anything between you and flag that would require such a lofted club, don't use it!  

    Overall, when I am thinking about which wedge to use, I start with the 56 and then alter my decision from there based on the distance, lie, situation, obsticles, etc. But the thought process ALWAYS starts with the 56!

    As for what to buy, I personally think the most underrated wedge on the market is the Cleveland 797 BeNi series.  These are easily the best wedges I've ever played and if you hunt around, you can find them used for around $20 to $30!  I've owned or played just about every high end wedge there is and the 797 is by far my favorite.

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