
I'm trying to install Vista but something is different?

by  |  earlier

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I already have Vista installed, and every other time that I have reformatted my computer, when I put the DVD in the drive and booted from it it would take me to setup where I could delete and create partitions, which is what I want to do.

However, when I boot from my OS disc, it loads Windows anyways, and then prompts the install screen, never giving me the option to erase my current OS.

Am I doing something wrong here? I don't see how, I have done this a dozen times.




  1. access BIOS during the computer start-up and choose dvd as the first booting choice.

  2. That screen comes after buddy, your literally one click away from being able to delete the disc partition. Go to the install Screen and your disc partition will come up, Delete it then Install windows on the new RAW partition. Good luck !!!

  3. Your system uses the first bootable drive it finds to boot the system. Your windows DVD is bootable, but in order to run the setup from the DVD before booting Vista from the hard-drive you need to ensure that the PC attempts to boot the computer using the DVD drive before it tries to boot the hard-drive. To do this you just need to change the order in which the drives boot up by adjusting the boot order in the BIOS settings. It's not difficult...access your BIOS settings by following the instruction on the screen as the computer starts up. Usually it entails holding down the Delete button but it may require a different procedure on your PC.  

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