
I'm trying to loose weight I am 5'2' and weighs 165 lbs goes to the gym 3 to 5 times a week? ?

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What else can I do to get off some weight, I did cut down on eating.




  1. Crash and fad diets are not the answer to lifelong health. Building a healthy way of eating , reducing stress, being active are the keys. Give up processed foods---enjoy eating whole foods from the outer aisles of the grocery store. Follow this and the weight will take care of itself. A life of restrictive dieting only leads to worse health in the long run.

  2. try the brown rice diet, a model friend recommended this and it works like a charm. it says the 7 day brown rice diet but try 10 or two weeks, you will be amazed.

  3. Try to cut out sugar and flour, and add more fresh fruit and vegs.  Don't forget your protein.  Drink lots and lots of water. Good luck

  4. If you're already going to the gym then do more cardio work and push yourself harder. Remember that muscle weighs more then fat.  

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