
I'm trying to lose weight. any tips? and is this healthy?

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I'm a Big guy, 6'4 about 300 pounds, I have extremely broad shoulders, 230ish is my target weight. or at least that's where I would like to be. I have gained 50 pounds in the last year do to marriage, job, stress, over eating. In the last month I have cut out drinking pop completely, i was drinking only koolaide and Hawaiian punch, but I've heard If I drink tons and tons of water and nothing else I will lose weight. I have been drinking about 7 or 8, 20oz bottles per day. does this really work?

also is there anything that will really help curb my appetite. I am not a big sweet eater, but I find myself craving meat, I usually eat a sandwich everyday.

anything relatively inexpensive that really works, I've heard to eat oranges but I don't know.

I'm 20 years old and my body hurts all the time, I'm way out of shape, I just feel like If i don't get this weight off of me, I will get bigger and bigger.




  1. Changing up your diet is a good start. I know you said you weren't much of a sweet eater, but if you happen to crave something sweet, eat any fruits or vegetables instead. They have sugar, but its natural and they also have alot of healthy nutrients in them as well. Replacing what you normally drink with water does help in losing weight, but you need more than just drinking water to lose alot of weight. Some other things to do is avoid are sodas, sugars, foods high in fat, junk food, fast food, etc. If you normally eat 3 meals a day, try to spread them out to 5-6 instead. This will boost your metabolism since you'll always have food in your stomach, instead of big amounts 3 times a day. Try to include some protein in all of your meals throughout the day. More fish such as salmon, tuna  is also better since it is high in protein. Figure out what your basal metabolic rate is and your maintence for calories is, these calculators are all over the internet, then when you do try to eat below your maintenance level as this will promote weight loss.

    Since you're probably stuck working all day, then head home to spend some time with your wife I'm assuming its pretty tough getting some free time just to yourself, though theres nothing wrong with spending time with your wife. I had a tough time starting off since I work and head home to my gf, and I honestly would rather spend time with her and so does she, over working out. But anyway your nutrition is more important than exercise but if you can, try to do some cardio or do more physical activities. Walking to the store instead of driving will burn some calories (if in walking distance), taking your kids to the park and even playing with them (if you have any), more housework you normally don't do, do some exercising while watching TV and so on. If you have some weights at home, whether it be dumbells, barbells, etc. weight-lifing will also boost your metabolism because you're building more muscle, thus more weight loss...or fat loss I should say.

    Some other little things to help, is when you go grocery shopping try not to buy any sweets, sodas, and so on. If its not in your house, you can't eat it and you'll be "stuck" with your healthier options. Unless your wife does the shopping, then give her a list of things you would like.

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