
I'm trying to pierce my navel but i cant get the needle through...HELP!?

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Like how do i get it through?




  1. put the needle down.

    do not do it yourself.

    it will get infected, and scar, and be really disgusting.

    wait until you can get it done professionaly.

  2. Push harder, the last bit of skin is always the toughest.

    Although, going to a professional is always the best option!

  3. That is. The most. Horrible idea. EVER.

    Belly button rings are extremely prone to infection, even when done by professionals. You're very likely to end up with a huge ugly infected pimple if you do it like that. If anything, go to a professional.

  4. NEVER do navel yourself, go to an expert

    scaring, tissue damage, infection, etc

  5. Make a last "stabbing" movement. Seriously though, have an expert do it for you. Infection much? It can re-occur even 4 months later.

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