
I'm trying to plan my sweet 16 and I need help.

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Okay well I'm turning 16 the 27th of august and I'm so excited, but I'm trying to plan my party and I have no clue what to do. So I'm thinking of maybe inviting 20 people, girls and boys, and I wanted to rent a place out and have a dance party but my dad doesn't have enough money right now. So I'm gonna have the party at my house, and I want it to be fun during the day and i was thinking about maybe renting this fun island thing and it floats in the water and I live on the water so i have room. but I don't want people to think its dumb. and at night i want to get like dressed up and dance and stuff but i don't know where I'm gonna have room to do that cause my house isn't that big, so what I'm asking is like should I just have friends over later and then like try to clear out a room to dance in my house or should I have fun during the day and rent the fun island thing and then I guess just chill at night.. ugh I don't even know.. can someone please email me back and tell me some really good ideas :)





  1. Lauren, as long as you have a great time with close friends that is all that matters.

    If you live on the water take advantage of the summer birthday.  My suggestion is make a weekend party.  Have the girls over night and the guys and couples can come during the day for swim and water fun.  Serve burgers and dogs.  If you have access to a DJ or good music have an outdoor dance, a dance floor is not necessary.  

    Put your money into food, music and let the entertainment be a natural thing that happens when good friends gather.  

    Have a great birthday.  

  2. I think the island idea is great. You can have a few snacks and get some great music all set up and you are good to go. By the time evening rolls around you can do something outside with your friends, like have a big bar b q  but make sure to have bug spray. About getting dressed up and dancing, you would have to remind everyone to bring clothes to dress up since most would probably come with their bathing suits. Maybe you can plan a few fun games for the evening after the BBQ, then send everyone home packing and invite your close girlfriends to stay and do makeovers, or have a movie party or something like that. Don't overplan because people might want to just sit back and relax and not be stressed with "activities".Maybe a water gun fight(buy them at the dollar store, or water balloons? Or you can do a treasure hunt outside if you have a big property. Divide people up into teams and get cool prizes. You could play truth or dare, would you rather, and you can look online for other cool games. You can buy ingredients and everyone can make ice cream sundaes for dessert, or make a cupcake decorating contest(have the cupcakes premade) Good luck!

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