
I'm trying to potey train my cousin she's 5 and still can't use the bathroom?

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can anybody help me please




  1. well, i  would bribe her, tell her you'll get her something or take her somewhere, it always works! just keep bribing her and praising her, then shell start to get it.

    good luck, hope i helped[:

  2. Having a 5 year old that is not potty trained is unusual, I would try putting Cherios in the toilet and tell her to shoot them with her pee. You could also let her watch you or her mom go potty and then make a big deal when anyone goes potty, even if its her mom, dad, sister, etc. go into the main room and yell " [Insert name here]  just went pee pee in the potty YAAAAAY!!!!!" eventually she will want people to get excited over her going potty too.

  3. My advice is if a 5 year old is still not potty trained, see a doctor. That is way to old.

  4. Here are some things that have worked for others.  

    One woman I know lined up a group of kids and had them all go to the bathroom.  She put the "un potty trained" kid in line with them.  When it came her turn, she went in like everyone else and used the bathroom and was potty trained from then on.  I think seeing that other children used the toilet made her want to be like them.

    Many people give the child one M&M every time they use the toilet.  

    Many people believe that putting children in underwear helps the most.  They won't want to wear soiled underwear, and will  soon start using the bathroom.

  5. i hope she is not in diapers not sure if they have a size that's fits her. maybe try getting some pull ups or real underwear. this is just wrong she should already be potty trained a long time ago.

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