
I'm trying to quit smoking, because I have been having health concerns. What could this be?

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My symptoms are hocking up alot of mucus, usually yellow barely ever green, no blood. I basically NEVER cough period unless I make myself cough, I sometimes have shortness of breath but not much, chest pains (not severe, sorta achey like mucus irratation), and thats about it. What is wrong with me? I dont get sick very often, I just basically have a chest that hurts a few times a week but nothing too bad, a lil bit of tightness (nothing severe, very very mild, barely feel it). So what could it be? And dont say go to a doc becuz i am gonna quit smoking now and If it keeps up after i'm gonna go to a doc. I'm already on medication for it. Ontop of that everytime I get my blood pressure taken its normal. I dont have anywhere near high blood pressure.




  1. Hey Raven. What I would do is chew Nicotine gum, if you aren't already, and get cough medicine. As for the mucus, drink lots o' hot tea and soup if you want, but mouth wash helps me. EVEN THOUGH THIS IS DANGEROUS AND NOT FEEL-GOODY, I sometimes swallow a little bit of mouth wash for this kind of thing. Don't go chugging it, you'll puke instantly anyway, making your mucus worse. But I also chew lots of minty gum, the strong kind. I can't guarantee that this will make it go away, but I'm sure it'll help in some way. It does for my coughing anyway. But I don't cough from stopping smoking. But maybe this will help anyway. ; )

    By the way... WHEN are you going to make Luigi goes to h**l 3? lol I'm waiting.

  2. If you have already quit smoking then you will cough mucus up like this.  If you haven't quit smoking yet, then it sounds like you have a case of bronchitis.

    Good luck on quiting smoking!

  3. It is normal after quitting smoking to start coughing up mucus. This is a good thing! when you smoke the chemicals paralyze the cilia in your respiratory system (they are hair-like fibers that normally help sweep the mucus up and out of your lungs and airway). One of the first things to return to normal after you quit smoking! Good luck!

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