
I'm trying to set up an event at my school to Go Green but don't know what exactely to do. Any suggestions?

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Forums, fundraisers, etc...




  1. talk with the headmaster about it and see if you can organize a school almost pep rally and have a speaker come visit. one thing i believe would work is set up booths in the gym with fun informational activities then have different classes at different times be let out of class to go see your event. the hospitals and in my area do stuff like that to inform kids about diseases and how to be safe but i think if you change the theme from medical to environmental it will work great

  2. I am working with my sons high school earth club. We have a hit and miss recycling program at the school so we decided to go at the idea from a different angle.

    We are promoting "Complete the Cycle, Buy Recycled". We have been hearing about recycling for so many years that it is background noise for most. We are asking students to "Go Green" when they come back to school and get as many school supplies made of recycled products as possible. The students have emailed each teacher and staff member at the school and asked them to add the "Complete the Cycle" phrase to their back to school messages and lists of school supplies.

    When we get back to class we will provide each teacher who wishes to participate with a box of Green Ribbons, similar to Breast Cancer Awareness ribbons. Each student who is using recycled school supplies or brings in recycled paper products for the class will get a green ribbon to display on their backpack.

    We thought this would have a greater impact on awareness, then we will work with the school during the year to increase the recycling program on campus.

    We'll see how it works. Feel free to spread the idea. The hope is to increase the demand for recycled products which will encourage companies like Mead/Five Star to provide more of a selection of recycled products, which in turn increases demand for recyclable items and creates a financial incentive for these items to be pulled from the waste stream.

  3. It doesn't necessarily need to be a big fundraiser so to speak.. going Green isn't really about fund raising, rather, re-educating.  We have "Waste Free Fridays" at our school. It means that on Fridays, the kids have to bring their lunches with no wrappers, (eg) glad wrap, paper etc.)  The idea is that they get used to not making unnecessary rubbish.

  4. have a really cool speaker come.

    have panels or sessions on certain specific issues that are relevant to the students at your school - maybe something on bottled water or animal rights?

    if you give away free stuff - make it stuff meant for reuse or that is environementally friendly - reusable water bottles, shopping bags, etc.

    contact local green activist groups in your area and see if they would like to help out.

    choose a specific environmental theme - recycling and reuse; environmental law, sustainability in the built environment, food, animals, etc. - choose a theme that suits your school and its tastes.

  5. Get Gumby to come and speak at a dinner. Serve Green Beans and Green Tea. Put up some green Christmas lights.

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