
I'm trying to stop thinking about this...?

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Lat school year I was bullied alot by this really fat girl who used to bully me cuz she was jealous, then what was worse was that my fake *** friends joined her, so that left me so sad. It's been 2 months since school ended and I never have to see them again but I keep thinking about it and why I was a target and what if this happens in High School. Please answer




  1. Don't let it happen.

  2. I know this is a hard situation to be in and its hard to answer what to do but I would like to say to stand up for yourself. This doesnt always mean physically. But it might. Try to stay away from these people as much as possible if this problem is indeed still a problem. These things sometimes have a way of diminishing over time. But never let yourself be run over. If you have to become the bully yourself so be it. There is nothing good that will come from standing by and letting yourself be abused by other people.  

  3. if they keep bullying you, you need to tell someone.

    they may call you a "snitch" but if you think it's worth it, so what.

    or just ignore them! :] OR even better, LAUGH AT THEM.

    that will make them so mad and the more you ignore them, they'll stop. because they'll see that it's not bothering you anymore!

    because if you say that they're jealous, then let it be just that.

    jealousy is a sickness.

    don't take c**p from anyone.  

  4. think of high school as a blank piece of paper you are starting

    new! dont blow it this time! so maybe you were mean or something

    try being rly nice as hard as it is!  

  5. It's normal to think about this. I think it's worse for sensitive people. Try talking to someone about it. Talk to your mom or to your school councilor when school starts. I hope the next school year is much happier. Good luck.

  6. "really fat girl who used to bully me cuz she was jealous"

    you have said enough

    what you need to do is before you start high school, loose the bullsh*t junior high attitude

  7. Wow. don't worry @ all! If you now that you are a strong and nice person, you just got to get on the good side with your new classmates. Present yourself as a fun, nice, and outgoing person cuz those are the people that other people go to for friends (well I do). I got picked by this really fat girl and she tried to put all my friends against me and it worked except for a few =[. But now that I'm going to high school in 2 weeks, I don't need to worry bout that happening again, and neither do you. As long as you find NEW friends that like you (don't seem needy), then you'll be fine throughout your high school years. Besides, I heard that in high school people don't care about "cliques" and don't transfer cliques. Pick your friends wisely, because those are the people that you will be spending your high school years with (unless you transfer)


  8. that girl who said to lose your attitude or whatever doesnt know what shes talking about.

    ok, well are you guys all going to the same high school? and if it becomes a problem, you should definitely tell someone.

    and most people become more mature in high school, so it prbly shouldnt happen.

    good luckk

  9. you talk behind other peoples backs? If so, then stop. No one likes to be talked about, and you should know this because they talked about you and bullied you. Just keep to yourself and be nice to people. Only speak up when you feel that others are making fun of you. No one is going to hit you.

  10. surround yourself with positive people and people who you feel will not let you down like a real friend would. dont let anyone bully you because if you are bullied in your freshmen year it will follow you for the next 3 and you dont want to be labeled as the punk and think of your high school years as the worst years of your life. be strong-minded but dont let anyone push you around.

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