
I'm trying to treat liver fluke in a herd of bison but we don't have a crush?

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We have an oral drench but we can't get them to eat it even soaked into bread which they usualyl love. I haven't managed to find a bovine liver fluke pour on and due to the lack of crush we can't inject them either.

Any ideas? Is tyhere something we could mix the oral drench with to make it more palatable?




  1. I know nothing of the subject, but would it work poured onto a salt l**k?

  2. Repost this question in the agricultural section.  You will get better answers.

    All the elk and bison farms around me have the heavy duty corrals and crushes.  

    You need to break the life cycle of the liver flukes on your pastures, that's for sure.  They can really damage your bison.  I'm assuming you are somewhere it does not get very cold in the winter?

    This is the only pour on I know of for liver flukes:

    I'm still not sure how you'd manage a pour on, without a crush for the bison.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  3. Try soaking the bread in molasses first or make up a feed using soaked sugar beet/molasses. Both are sweet and usually disguise anything bad, but I suggest you try them out without any medicines first, so that you can see whether they will take it. I use both with my horses to sneakily get medicines into them when I have to.

  4. have you looked into a solution for water?

    a lot of dewormers we use are for water

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