
I'm trying to write a Mission Statement for my life - do you have any suggestions on how and what to write?

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I am getting myself organized, and I'm starting with a general overview of how I want to live my life - a mission statement. Can you please give me a few suggestions on what to write? So, far I have these lines:

"I want to continually improve and get better. I want to treat everyone with respect. I want to stay true to myself. I want to make the most of my time while I'm here."

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. List ur priorities of life, what makes you happy, what makes ur day count and work on ur statement.I would appreciate to see what statement u had finally arirved in to..

  2. You have a good start.

    Think of your heros.

    Make a list of their accomplishments and values.

    I made  list of 25 things I wanted to do 25 years ago - travel to France,  write a book, learn to ride horses, own a business - that kind of thing and I only have one thing left.

    Good luck. Hope you get something that will last a lifetime.

  3. make a list of the things you want to do and have to do and organize from there

  4. To neutralize any threat be it foreign or domestic to values in which I hold dear.

  5. Your question has been sitting here as a tab in my browser for what seems to be a long time pending some inspiration or advice.  It's tough to help another define their mission but something did occur to me this morning that would have been good for me to have in MY own, so far unwritten, mission statement.  It is most easily described, at this point in my thinking, as a negative and goes something along the lines of this;  "My intent is to avoid taking a position in politics, religion, or other aspects of my life which is really more of a prejudice and then constructing specious supports for it to make myself feel better about me."

      There must be nearly a thousand ways to say that better and perhaps one of them is to the effect that "the unexamined life is not worth living."  One of the folks I admire said it with reference to fans support of sports teams to the effect that fans seem to let their self worth depend on the success or failure of "their" team.  

      VERY interesting question you've asked.  (You may consider that a bald-faced attempt to curry favor.)  

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