
I'm turning 16 in two days..and I feel bad..will you please help me?

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I am in the middle of a move, and I will be staying at my old house with my cousin while my parents and my siblings are working on our new house. Basically, during that time I am turning sixteen and I feel really bad. Isn't it a big deal for teens to turn sixteen? I haven't been able to get my permit because we are in the middle of moving. And I'm not having a party..which is ok..I have an awesome family, we all love eachother so much and are really close knit. But it seems like it will be just another day because of the move and their absence and I really don't want that to happen. I really want to remember my 16th birthday..what should I do? They mentioned my birthday but don't really seem to acknowledge it..What should I do?




  1. My dear young lady...

    I know exactly...HOW  you must feel...AND : is a "big thing" when you turn 16 (the next "BIG-one comes at 18) I have lots of empathy for you, honey !!! But...just think of it like this...Your parents can't change the fact on the circumstances at present...with the moving & all...they're probably stressed to the Max....- I kbow HOW frustrating it can get, when you move all of your "belongings"...So, what I would suggest is this: Even though, it may NOT be the "exact" date of your birthday...-just set up a date on the "first week-end" in the new house to "substitude" THAT special week-end to celebrate (belated) !!!

    The "world" will NOT "fall apart" just because it's not "THE...exact" same date....Just be happy that you'll have : "a new house" to stay in, that all of you are : healthy & you seem to love each other very much...SO: what could be better??? Just could be seriously ill, "tied to the bed", etc.- Honey...there are MUCH WORSER situations that not to celebrate on the "exact" day of your "birth" !!! There is sooooo MUCH you can be thankful for, honey !! There are a "zillion" of people, who WISH  to have a loving family like you're having one...-so be thankful for that, baby !!! SO...don't be sad at all....You'll have MANY MORE birthdays to celebrate in the future !!!

    May I wish you a : "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"...-sweet 16- All the BEST to you & your family ! Greetings from Germany with lots of love & care....Annette***

  2. maybe you and your cousin should go do somethin on your birthday and then ask your family if after the move and everything is settled down could yall go do something for your birthday

  3. they could be planing a suprise party

  4. As a mom, I feel for you.  Tell them how you feel, they won't know if you don't say something.  I tell my kids, if I am not listening, they tell me "Mom stop, I have to tell you something, you are not listening!", sometimes as a parent we get caught up with things that need to get done, we don't realize the things we are missing.  Good Luck! Happy 16th Birthday!!!!  I wish you the best.

  5. Since you are so close and tight knit..... just talk to them.  Tell them how you feel.

  6. thier probably planning a surprise party

  7. Stop stressing out over it until you see what actually happens!

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