
I'm turning 32, my son is turning 6, my daughter is turning 4, I'm getting old?! Help?

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I know this sounds crazy, but I feel so old as I am just about to turn 32.

It seems like just yesterday I was changing my older two children's diapers and now my son is going to Kindergarten and my oldest daughter is going into Preschool.

How can I make myself feel younger?




  1. You don't have to because you are not old. At least you  don't have to change their  diapers and smell it. lol

  2. Honey, doncha know?  30 is the new 21.  40 is the new 30.

    By my count, you're a mere 23, tops.

    My secrets for feeling young?  (And yes, at not-quite-35 and 27 weeks pregnant with #2, I feel *very* young.)  Stay in touch with current music in whatever genre you like - you're too young for oldies! - read InStyle instead of Good Housekeeping, eat right and get lots of exercise.  Pay attention to fabulous women in their 30s and 40s who are smart, style icons - think Nicole Kidman, not Lauren Conrad.

    Then celebrate how much SMARTER we all are at 30-something than we were in our teens.

    And remember, you'll probably live another 50 years.  If you start letting yourself feel like a fossil now, imagine what 70 will feel like!

  3. Nope, you are just a normal aged parent, not to young and not to old. Kids sap a lot of energy out their parents, but hey what can you do? Your teens and 20s are over with, but you are just starting your 30s. Embrace this new phase of your life and enjoy it with your kids!

  4. You should feel great you start having kids early.  I'm 40 and my older son is in high school.  I feel myself young again when someone think I look like sister of my son. Haha! We just went camping last weekend and a new friend in the group thought I was just a college student. Way too funny but I like that kind of misunderstanding.  I cannot imagine if I have a newborn now that drain all of my energy.  I think I would have all white hair growing already with a baby this age. :)

  5. lol

  6. Allow me to help you feel younger...I'm 37 and have a 1 year old daughter.  So I'm older than you, and I'll be in my 40s when my daughter goes to Kindergarten.  I'm still in the diaper changing phase.  BUT, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

  7. You're not old.  My husband is 33 and has a 9 year old and a one year old.  You're as young as you feel!  These are the best years of your life, enjoy them ;)


  9. I dont know but if you find out please tell me.  I am turning 28 next month, my oldest is 7, middle one is 5 & starting Primary school and my baby girl has just turned 3 and I am wondering where all the time has went cause it doesnt seem that long ago I had 3 kiddies under 4 who were all completely reliant on me.  Selfish I know but they have found a,little independence now & get embarrased when I try to help them etc in front of their friends, lol.  I keep wanting to be one of those "yumnmy mummy's" you read about but I doubt it.

  10. i'm 44 my daughter is 26 and my son is 7years old

    i have 3 lovely grandchildren .

    and i still feel as young as i did when i had my first.

    you only feel old if you let yourself feel old .

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