
I'm turning into a FAT A$?

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I have been alone for the past 6 years, I was in really good shape, even after having my daughter, she is 5. I guess I have just reached a point of pure depression, or something. Sometimes I get teased because I am the ONLY person without a signifcant other in the entire company....and people actually say stuff about that to me... I used to be able to go to the gym, but now the job that i am at, doesn't allow for that time, and I really would feel bad if I went to work, picked up my daughter from daycare, then dropped her off at the daycare in the gym so I could work out, that wouldn't be right. So how can I find the time to excerise?? I don't have anyone to watch her, so I just feel hopeless.




  1. set up yourself a timetable...all you need is just 30 minutes a day of brisk walking...take your daughter with you for walks...who needs gyms anyway??

  2. I think you are turning into a hard a@@. Things are rough , but if you are willing to change and try then I don't see how things wont get better. You are right your daughter comes first, but regardless of most people we all still have free time. So maybe if you can go on walks with her or do sit ups with her, you will be spending time with her and at the same time exercise for 15-30mins. It might not be the same as the gym , but you will be healthy and she will pick up something from you and get to spend time with you. If you can ask a trustworthy person to babysit that will work too. As far as your co workers harassing you it is against the law, if they make you feel uncomfortable and bring that up with your boss or lawyer. Take Care and good luck

    PS be sure to eat healthy too

  3. Aww well I don't think you need to go to the gym. You could definitely buy a treadmill and run at home. Don't buy one of those manual ones though, there pure c**p. And no offense, but don't walk super slow, cause it's bad for the motor. *serious*

    And if you bought some light dumbbells i'm sure you could do some toning! Add a good meal plan and you'll be good to go! If you have anymore questions just ask, your one of my Y!A contacts, so i'll see your question! :D

  4. your could buy something like a tredmil to help. so that you could work out at home

  5. Take her for walks.  Walking may seem like nothing, but it does wonders.  I don't work out but I started speed-walking at least 40 minutes 4-5 times per week and I feel better, and lost a ton of weight!  Walking is good because you can take your daughter too.  Get bikes, roller-blades, anything.  Make a good excuse to play with your daughter and be outside.  exercise

    You don't have to go to the gym to work out.  

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