
I'm ugly... Is plastic surgery the answer?

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I've tried everything. Make up, hair, clothes. None of it makes a difference.

So I wnat plastic surgery but can't afford it. What do I do?

Please don't say beauty is in the eye of the beholder or anything similar because my whole life people have NEVER found me pretty and I have been severely bullied and targeted because of it. So no preaching thanks x

Perhaps going abroad to get it done would be cheaper?




  1. um big words all i can say is do what u got to do if u think ur to ugly then go for it but plastic surgery can ruin u also it doesnt always turn up the way u want it to be

  2. Let me see a picture, then I could tell you.

    Add a picture to your details.

    Good luck!

  3. 1st i need a picture to judge you bye if you need it or not.

  4. k the second girl that answered is just dumb.. if you are serious, you first need to gain some confidence and stand up for yourself.. people who are bullied are usually weak and passive.. and thats not a bad thing but its not a good thing either if your too much of that.. everyone in there lifetime has been called ugly or had someone "attempt" to bully them.. the difference between those people and you is that they stand up for themselves and they fight back.. EVERYONE has a weakness and flaws, if someone is making fun of your flaws you make fun of theres back.. and believe me they wont like it.. there is nothing wrong with you, answer these questions:

    do you have 2 eyes to see with?

    do you have 2 legs to walk with?

    do you have 1 mouth?

    do you have 1 nose?

    do you have hair?

    do you have 2 ears to hear out of ?

    most likley the answer is yes.. and the answer to your yes answers is that your HUMAN.. there is nothing off about you.. you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking that your ugly, i mean there are less fortuante people out there, some would dye to have two eyes to see out of, or hair they can comb.. or ears that they can hear out of... dont take advantage of what you already have because it could be ALOT worse.. take a walk through sick childrens hospital and see how many people there would KILL to have what you have.. to be healthy, to be able to eat, to hear to see.. do you see what i mean though... think about it..

    your beautiful, love yourself, hold your head up high and walk with confidence.. stand up for yourself and be strong.. dont let people walk all over you...

    thats my advice..

    good luck in life <33

    plastic surgery wont fix anything... you will still be insecure, you will still feel like there is something else wrong with you, you will still feel the need to be "perfect" which is what you want to achieve by having plastic surgery am i correct?

    look at micheal jackson and can you honestly tell me that this man was beautifull before or now? he is a perfect example of someone who has struggled with self esteem issues throughout his life, who has never felt pretty.. he got plastic surger and it wasnt good enough for him.. he wanted more and more just so he could look "perfect".. now look at him.. is that what you want to look like?

    NOTHING good comes with insecurity and the need for perfection.. nothing.. you always end up loosing in the end..

    take it from this girl:

    she didnt think she was pretty either... now look at her..

    do you want THAT to happen to you??

    im sorry but you need to really get a reality check.. this is the REAL world and no one is perfect.. its impossible for anyone to be perfect.. everyone has flaws.. and THAT is the reality.. deal with it.

  5. hmm ok so what is it specifically that you don't like about your face?? 'cause if it's the nose then i suggest u gget it done in california or iran(nose job capital of the world with many great plsatic surgeons). i'll edit after u tell me what is it about ur face that u don't like.

  6. First: maybe you're NOT as ugly as you think you are.

    Second: if you want my advise do not pay attention to what other people say about you because they don't have any impression on your life. this is your life so ENJOY IT!

    Third: If you do any surgeries you will regret it be sure of that.

  7. noooooooooo plastic surgery is the worst possible thing to do it is terriable just get and new life and new hair style and maybe new hair color  and also new hobbies and a new wordrobe and if u wear glasses then get contacs  

  8. h**l no

    plastic surgery are ****

    you should go travel to a country in which the majority of the girl are not good looking, then u got confidence :))

  9. show a pic

  10. ok first of all are you absolutely positive this is what you want?

    i mean look a michale jackson...he's not so pretty huh? i'm not going to say anything to preach to you but be sure it is absolutely what you want to do and yes abroad is cheaper but air fare isn't as cheap as it used to be...try going to a professional and maybe they can find a way to enhance your beauty..and if you have already tried that then you can consider plastic surgery...but do you really want to be something you're not?

    i hope i helped...can you help me?;...

  11. wear a paper bag over your head and go by a different name?!

  12. do what ever makes you comftable but DO NOT do it of some one told you to do it becouse YOU want to!!!

    1. get more comfidence.

    2. a picture will be nice =]

    3. if you want plastic surgetry ask them for fianancing maybe your insurance ccan cover it??

    4. dont change everything just change the things you dont like about your self for ex. i HATE my nose, so next year im getting a nose job =]

    try that! =] and your probobly not ugly at all =]  

  13. Pls show a pic without makeup or anything like that. JUST A PLAIN PIC. I will try my best to help!

  14. Plastic surgery is the answer... but make sure you just don't go through some cheap plastic surgeon, research the plastic surgeon you will go through before you actually go through one. You need to know how experienced he is and if he is certified to do it. If he ain't your whole face can be screwed up... I'm a guy and i'll tell you this right now... make up won't work, clothes won't work, hair won't work, if you are ugly we WILL know. Theres only few guys out there that will choose personality over looks... the other 3/4 will not, just the society we were raised in :( sucks, I know... I use to be hot 3 years ago and now i'm ugly so I know how it feels, I'm about to hit up a plastic surgeon soon.

    Edit: People above me preaching to you by the way ain't going to change the fact no guys wants you. Most of those people preaching to you ain't ugly themselves so don't know how it feels like. Listen to me, not them. I hope you make the right choice towards happyness :) Mine is truely the best answer and not some bullsh*t preaching that won't change a thing. Action speaks louder then words :)

  15. you dont need plastic surgery, i'm sure you're not ugly and you have to believe in it. just work on little things to make yourself feel better, eat healthy and exercise , take care of your hair, get some natural makeup tips.;...

  16. stop drowning yourself in sorrow

    do it if your serious

    im 15 and im getting a nose job next year

    big whoop!

  17. You had a very positive response to one of your previous questions, and it seemed to affect you in a positive way, but here you are again crying that you're ugly this and hated that and I think your problem isn't what's on the outside.

    I'm sorry it's such a cliched answer, but I think what you need more than surgery is counseling.  You've got a lot of self-loathing going on, and that's not healthy.  No amount of surgery is ever going to fix that, either - then you'd look different, and hate how you no longer looked like yourself.

    Seek professional help, please.  It's the best answer I can give you.

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