
I'm under 16 and deperately seeking a job which isn't a paper round. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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My school is organising a trip to Borneo to work with the people who live there and go treking around the area. Not suprisingly this trip is extremely expensive and me and my friends need to start fund raising and earning pretty soon seeing as the trip is summer next year. I would love to go but my age is holding me back on the job front. I live in nottingham and would like to get a job in one of the shops or resturants but i'm not sure if they would take me on. Any ideas or inputs would be amazing. x*x




  1. At 16 my sister got a hosting job at Denny's. Do you have one of those? If not call or go online to the unemployment office or any government office that handles employments. and ask them for a list of companies that have the abilities to hire 16. Every company that hires 16 has to "get approved" or at least register with the state to hire that age. Good Luck

  2. Better to make your own items for sale and sell them to friends and family.

    Some ideas:

    1. Learn to knit real well. I am having a hard time finding good, well -knit sweaters in pretty colors for myself and my daughter. Sometimes I find someone who crochets but uses the most ugly colored knits! I saw the most adorable hand-knit sweater for my baby in a shop in Los ANgeles and they wanted $150 for it! If you knit real well, look up some old knitting magazines in charity and 2nd hand shops and get some pretty yarns and make and sell sweaters. There is still a demand for good, well-knit sweaters.

    2. Make jewelry. I have a friend whose daughter is 14 and has learning disabilities - but she buys old necklaces at yard sales (I think you call them tag sales over there) and we call them thrift stores here, she takes them apart and then makes new necklaces out of them and sells them for $15-$20 each! She even has orders for five more waiting on more beads. So make a few samples and see what happens.

    3. I find old furniture in friend's and in-laws barns and garages, I take them home, repaint the pieces and sell them for upwards of $15 to $60. I also clean help clean out boxes and clean items and sell them at my yard sales. I made $50 on my very first sale, $150 on my second, and $200 on my third sale all last year. It was enough to pay for the operations to spay 2 big girl dogs and pay for all their shots. My next sale I am trying to earn enough money to fix up our old motorboat to take out on the lake this summer. Check out my blog on yahoo 360 and see some pictures I posted of some cute chairs I repainted and sold.

    3. Do you have recycling in England? Here in California we pay a 10-cent deposit on all soda, water, mixed juices, and beer bottles and cans. Recycling centers buy the bottles back for the deposit plus extra for the weight. They also buy scrap metals such as copper wires and pots, aluminum pieces from old folding beach chairs and tire rims, glass, and sorted newspaper they buy at $75 a ton! We recycle everything, I make about $30 a month just picking up old bottles and cans everywhere.

    4. Can you learn to make pretty things and sell them? I have another friend who makes her own papers and sells them at summer fairs and festivals, another friend who makes her own soaps, and another friend who sews quilts. Some girls at the last "Earth Day" festival found a bunch of Barbie Dolls at the thrift store sans clothes and painted them and played with their hair and made them into fairy dolls which sold well at their booth. Look in old magazines and websites for or for ideas of things to make and sell for fun.

    If you get to go, do collect pens, pencils, crayons, coloring books, notebook binders, and notebook paper for to donate to their schools. A lot of schools in poorer countries don't have basic school supplies. Also we are finding out that many poor countries do not have feminine hygeine products either and school girls stay out of school during their period cycles, so a box of tampons or pads might be an idea.

    Have fun!

  3. you can start at any restaurant as a bus girl (clean up tables).  if your capable, I dont know why a place wouldn't hire you.  

    good luck

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