
I'm under a lot of stress - how do you relax?

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I have been through a rough time in my personal life - first my hands broke out in psoriasis for a couple of weeks ( tiny blisters that itch like crazy), then that cleared when I started a cough that lasted a couple of weeks and only came on at times of stress, and now I am making funny noises like a mouse squeaking.

Obviously this is all in my head but I do not wish to take drugs or medication - I know I can get over it by myself.

I just need to relax. Any ideas? Thanks.




  1. My automatic suggestion would have to be meditation. Sit somewhere comfy, close your eyes, and focus on the colour you see on the inside of your eyelids to clear your head of all thought. Just sit and relax, and enjoy just being there. If you get restless, maybe turn on some soft, soothing music or nature sounds if they relax you and read a book, draw, whatever.

    You might have already heard this from somebody but it really does work, it's helped me many times.

    Best of wishes to you! x :))

  2. Try breathing to reduce stress. Try this

  3. naked, hot bath, self pleasure, then a nice warm cup of milk, repeat step three if needed

  4. Find something you enjoy, whether a hobby, a sport or maybe a party.  Hang out with friends whose company you enjoy.  Go out and watch a movie or spend your day off listening to some music a bit.  Try to do anything that can occupy you mentally, physically or even emotionally.

    Something positive!  I hope I helped and good luck to you!

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