
I'm unemployed due to plant closing can I get my schooling paid for?

by Guest61111  |  earlier

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I want to get my GED online and I was told that sense my job ended due to plant closing that I could get my schooling for free. I don't know how to go about doing this or who to contact. Can someone help guide me in the right direction???




  1. When plants closes, often those left behind are eligible for educational benefits from the company they worked for, the Dept of Labor, or another government souce. But the assistance is usually towards college... not GED.

    I would contact your local Workforce Center (these used to be called Employment Offices) and tell them where you worked and what you want to do.  They will have all the info you need to see if you are eligible.  They might have some sort of free assistance to get your GED so then you can tap the money for college.  

    When you apply for federal finanical aid at you use the income info from the previous year but you can contact your school to have them take into account you were laid off from your job.  It's usually called applying for "Unusual Circumstances"

  2. At the university where I work, we have GED courses that are FREE to anyone wishing to get their GED.  

    Contact your local college first and they can point you in the right direction.

  3. You can also contact your local school district office.  They will have a listing of local classes to prep for the G.E.D. test.  I have never heard of a charge for the classes.

    In the meantime, here is a resource for free on line to get you started on the prep.  This is not a substitute for classes.  A classroom setting  is esp. important for the writing portions.  (per a friend who teaches G.E.D. classes in a county jail system)

  4. The GED is a test that demonstrates high school level proficiency. It is not really schooling although you might want to prep a little with self-study.

    At the link below I provide some details and further link to a free official government (Pueblo) bulletin about obtaining a GED.

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