
I'm unfocused, but not blurry. Will glasses help?

by Guest61019  |  earlier

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My vision isn't blurry but I get unfocused when I'm reading or anything that i have to concentrate on. For example, when I read my eyes will skip ahead a few words and I will have to find my spot again. Will glasses help me and is there a word for this




  1. hmm...sounds like astigmatism to me.

    there are special contacts and glasses for this problem, so contact your eyedoctor and tell them exactly what your problem is.

  2. You should see an eye Doctor , it could be something other then just needing glasses.

  3. It could be many things ! eye disease, neural disease, hyperopia, but my best bet is you are getting near 40 years old and need glasses !!!

    visit your eye doc !!

  4. psychic powers tell me....that you should visit your optomitrist....

  5. depends... you might just have a lot on your mind... try reading glasses.glasses will only really help if you cant like see the words clearly... but try it because i remember reading somewhere that if you cant focus on things up close you might have bad i sight.

  6. yes

  7. seek professional help

  8. get reading glasses.  DON'T spend lots of $$ on prescription eyeglasses;; you can get a pair of reading glasses from Wal-Mart or any similar store for just a few dollars and it will help you to see just a few words at a time so you can focus better when reading

  9. contacts are better than glasses, I am far sighted... glasses make your vision worse overtime I have read.

  10. There could be multiple explanations.... best thing, get a eye exam.

  11. Glasses will help, but if you are unfocused, you might want to just get reading glasses and not drop as much money.

  12. Im pretty sure you have astigmatism. Its when your eyes get unfocused after looking at something for a while. I have it too. And yes, you can get glasses and contacts that help with your astigmatism :)

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