
I'm unsure if I should get an epidural?

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Would you recommend an epidural or not? because i've heard of horror stories that they are bad for you and the baby. But i've also heard good stories that it is worth it. So is it worth gettting one?




  1. Well I did not have an epidural during my first birth and it ended up being very traumatic.  I am pregnant again at the moment and terrified of going through the same again.  Personally, I just don't think I can cope, so I am going to go to a hospital 3 1/2 hr drive from home just so I can have access to one.

    Ultimately however, I think it is impossible to tell whether the outcome will positive or negative...which is what it sounds to me like you really want an answer to.  

    I think you should just do what you feel most comfortable and confident with in your heart.  Your labour and the days/weeks/months after will be better the more relaxed you are.

    P.S:  try not to take any horror stories on board.  they are cruel and unusual and just cause unnecessary anxiety.

  2. it could go either way.  i know that when that time comes, i'm getting drugged up.  it's not bad for the baby, or else they wouldn't do it.

  3. ive actually read that it is completely safe for you and the baby to make your decision based on that and what you prefer. to be honest...if it were a street drug id be addicted LMAO (j/k)

    but it feels amazing!!!!  

  4. i just had my baby 2 weeks ago and i had an epidural and it wasn't bad at all. When he did the procedure i didn't even feel it. Compared to the contractions i was having it was nothing to have a needle put into your spine. I thing its totally worth getting one. You get so tired from having contractions that you just want to make the pain go away. But its up to you in the end. The only bad thing is that after about 4 or 5 days your back starts hurting but its not that bad and goes away after a week or so.

    i hope this helps

    congrats on the new baby

  5. My mom didn't get one for me or either of my brothers, because she heard they were bad for the baby.  She wishes she did, because now we know that it won't hurt the baby (except in certain risky pregnancies).  You should ask your doctor.  If everything is normal, get one.

  6. i would get one but i dont like pain at all!!!!!!

    it depends on your own personal decision in the end, i've never had one (no children) and my BF's wife had one that went the 'wrong way' and she was unable to hold her baby her pick it up for the first 2 motnhs or so..... i think that was a freak accident though. check with your doctor about risks

  7. I had one and would have another.  There are more risks for the mother than for the baby.  Because the medicine is going straight into your spinal fluid, there is less chance of it affecting the baby like medicine that goes into your bloodstream.  Mine allowed me to relax and rest so that I had the energy to push when that time came.  They turned mine down a little about 30 minutes before I was ready to push so that I could feel the contraction and know when to push.

  8. yes!!!! it makes you feel soooooooooo much better, sorry for the emphasis but until i got one i wanted to die! it did not hurt, just a little pinch and the pain is all gone, with hardly any side effects :)

  9. Best thing man made!  I had one and don't know what I would have done without it.

  10. I got one with my last birth.  At the time I was loving it, but I didn't know then that the pain in my back would last 2 weeks after the birth, and I also didn't know that they would keep me on my back because of it.  If I hadn't had an epidural, my baby's collar bone would not have broken as a result of compressing the birth canal by laying on my back.  Also, when putting in an epidural catheter, there is very little room for error and overall it's very definately safer not to get one (unless you're so terrified that labor seems to stop entirely).

  11. Well, it depends on you and the experience you are looking for. I was scared crazy of getting that needle in me and thought ( til the time came) that I would not want one. They ended up giving me Demerol, because it was too late for the epidural and all It did was make me feel drunk- did absolutely nothing to take the pain away. Would never recommend that to anyone. I know that if I could do it again, or another time  an epidural would be first on my list. Best of luck and congratulations!

  12. Wouldnt have it any other way!

  13. I had my daughter 2 years ago this november and i had an epidural. They can be dangerous for you and the baby but if you do as the anistesiologist says and he or she knows what they are doing there is very little risk to either of you. the procedure is no where near as painful as contractions and the relife is instant. My daughter was born alert and perfect. She has no developmental problems or health issues so i would say it is deffinetly worth getting one.

  14. if you don't you are going to be in a hole lot of pain so i would go and get it you will be so much happier and you wont feel a thing when you get it you might after but it is worth it trust me i did with my three kids  and when i had my second child it was so pain full you need to get it done.

  15. yes. just make sure they know what they are doing. i had one and they gave me too much and i could not feel when to push. but ive had 2 with epi and 2 without, and and if i had another i wouldn't hesitate to get one. good luck!

  16. I would never do it again.. it almost killed me and i was in intensive care. I didn't see my daughter due to it.. for a week. blood pressure was 190/120 quad vision, bad bad deal. Tell you the truth after my experience I'm scared to have another child that was 2.5 years ago.

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