
I'm upset about my SAT's english result (Year 9)?

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I got level 7's in my maths and science, but i received a level 7 for my english reading and a 6 for my writing - my overall result for english was a level 6. I was predicted a 7 and my english teacher said that everyone in my group deserved a 7, and she saw some really stupid people marking the papers that shouldn't have been.

Should I be worried about this 6? It's really getting me down, as I have now been put in a lower group.




  1. SATs aren't the most important tests. However, if you have been put in a lower group to what you feel you should be in, and especially if your teacher agrees, talk to them. If you can still get top marks for GCSEs (You are doing higher paper) don't worry about it. But if it means you are doing a lower paper talk to the school about it as soon as possible as in the long run it could effect your final grades at GCSE

  2. dont worry about it ... it really doesnt matter in the long run.

  3. It's only sats, they don't count for anything important.

  4. Its good your upset, very very good. Now you can improve yourself cause you know theres room for improvement. Try much harder, not too hard though. But make sure you keep your head down and not let all those friends which your not gonna have when you go to university influence you.



  6. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... its gr8. theyre not as important as gcses anyway.

  7. well if you think you should of got a better mark now is your chance to prove it.

    dig deep and work hard and show them you can do it, just coz you are predicted to get a mark does not mean you will get it, maybe in your mind you thought oh ill get a 7 and took it easy instead of cramming it in.

    there is only one guarantee in this life and that is one day you will die the rest is really up to how hard you want it

  8. You reallyyy don't need to worry about it.

    I've done mine this year [although no idea what my results are still lol]

    They don't matter at all after you've got them. Universities, and employers will never look at them.

  9. here, let me reassure you. sats mean NOTHING in life!!!!!!! at gcse, a level, uni, interviews and onwards, no one even gives a d**n about your results. all the teachers say themselves its useless - thats why the SAT exams are going! as long as your teacher knows what you're capable of, thats all that matters. honestly, im not joking, sats dont mean a thing! =) but overall, that is an excellent result!

  10. dont worry...

    i only got one level 7 and two level 6, in year 9...

    i got lucky...

    u are soo lucky u got soooo gd...

    now start to focus on gcse.

    seriously...because SATs dont really matter..

    no one looks at them. they only look at GCSE's and A LEVELS...!!!

  11. hello, the average level for your age is a level five. You have got the highest level on the other subjects and just by one test they cant change everything, they have to base it on what you have achieved throughout the year too.

  12. Don't worry about it they've marked the english SAT'S results differantly this year so u could only of missed out on that level 7 for your english i felt the same i was in lower maths all  through year 9 :S

    so don't worry! you'll get more help with your english and then when your ready they'll move you back up!

    x. hope  i helped!

  13. Don't be sad! You can ask anyone who's done them in the past - they are POINTLESS! Merely a gauge for teachers to see how you're doing.

  14. A level 6 is average, maybe slightly over. The English sets in my school were wrongly mixed up, I was ok but my friend was put in a lower set and needed to be in a higher one. The school should look at your general intelligence, and see that you did extremely well in your other subjects. You did really well so don't worry.

  15. DOn't woory. I am a level 7 english student, I have always got level 7 (im in yr 9 too) in almost every essay, story, etc (I think i got a 6+ once at the beginning of the year). I also ended up getting a 6 overall which I was a upset about, becuase I excel in the reading part. a few people got 7s in my class, even though I am always top! And next year, we need a 7 to get into the top set but don t worry. You can still get an A or A* in a lower or mixed ability set, and anyway SATS are stupid. On my teacher assessment I am a high 7, so just listen to what your teacher says becuase they kniw you better than any dumb SATS examiner. I got a 7 is secience too and and an 8 in maths =] and you got a GREAT set of results, just dont stress. They should look at what you have been achieveing throughout the year, not just in a few exams.

    Relax, no one is going to ask you when you go for a job interview "What was your SAT result?". Don't let this get you down, I KNOW I am a level 7 student, so I am not gonna listen to what some dumb SATS company marking scheme says.  Anyway, the writing (especially Shakespeare-my school did the tempest, was soo hard) can't be marked very easily, they just really look for grammatical and spelling things, they dont look for things like flair, and the writers ability to captivate the reader.

    =D Cheer up, clever clogs


  16. hello, to be honest you did really well in your SATs and you shouldnt feel bad at all. When i was in year 9, I achieved 2 7's and a 6, as well. However i did the best i could. Plus looking at your english result you just need to work on either reading or writing and you probably got a really high 6, but a medium 7 which ended with a high 6. Also SATs do not mean anything, they are just for your school to see what level you are at and if you need help. I think you should be happy with what you got as not many people get two 7's!!

  17. Don't worry. It's fine. A level 5 is average so you're over-achieving anyway. After all, it's only SATs, and even if you are in a lower set, it means more help for your GCSE years to get the grades you want. x

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