
I'm vacationing in Cacun in sister and I are going deep sea fishing by Cozumel...can we keep catch?

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....I love to fish and was just wondering if they let you keep the fish catch or if it is catch and release. I don't know if its based on the tour agent because I can't call out of the states to them to ask. lol My fiance' went 9 years ago to Matzalan and caught sword fish and mai mai and got to keep the catch and they even cooked it for him at the hotel...however, THAT was 9 years ago and maybe times changed?




  1. It is your fish to do what you wish.  If you catch more than a couple it is customary to leave one for the crew and El Capitan.

    Sailfish, in my opinion, taste horrible but El Dorado as they are called in Mexico (Mahi Mahi) taste like lobster and you could take it wherever.

    I know a restaurant owner in Acapulco where we take our catch at one or two in the afternoon and return for a meal in exchange later on in the evening.  Full grown Sails weigh about 30 kilos and although El Dorados weigh a lot less they are treasured for their good taste.

    You pay for the excursion and the licence is usually included and they are your fish.

    Most are tourists and have no use or reason to take them other than have them doctored for wall mounting which can run about $400.00 dollars and can be shipped to the destination of your choice

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