
I'm vegan and i eat like 3 bananas a day. is this bad at all?

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I'm vegan and i eat like 3 bananas a day. is this bad at all?




  1. No, it's better then eating meat

  2. I eat more than 3 daily haha. It's all good, nothing wrong with bananas but make sure your eating more than just bananas.. Long as your getting all the nutrients you need then you should be right to eat bananas till you power spew them everywere and paint your walls so yeah. Bananas are great =)

  3. Nope.  I don't think you can OD on bananas.  :)

  4. Of course not. Just make sure you're eating other fruits.

  5. you have soo much potasium in you..i envy u now..LoL

  6. I am a vegetarian  and i love bananas i have at least 2 or 3 but i also have apples and other fruit and vegies to keep me healthy because i dont eat meat

    my answer to you is nope not bad at all just adda different fruit to the 3 bananas

    i hope i helped

  7. yes! bananas contain 100 carbs!!!!! ahh

  8. Banana's are a good source of Potassium

    you need that for your bones! Lack of Potassium could cause osteoporousis!

    There's nothing wrong with eating 3 bananas aday... that is the right amount!

    If that's all you're eating a day than your not eating properly!   I eat 4 fruits a day and some veggies and cereal or pasta!

  9. Bananas are GREAT for you, but they are the most heavily sprayed fruit there is.  Buy organic!

    They are high in sugar though, so I probably wouldn't do more than 2 a day myself.  Remember: anything in excess is bad!

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