
I'm vegetarian but I'm worried I'm not getting enough protein..any good recipes?

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i would like to try some new veggie recipies. preferibley ones that can give me more protein but still taste good




  1. Beans and nuts are the most protein packed foods outside of meat. You should be alright though if you're eating a balanced diet of different types of veggies and fruits.

  2. In Western countries, our problem is too much protein, not too little. Most Americans get at least twice as much protein as they need. Almost everything contains protein; unless you eat nothing but junk food, it’s almost impossible to eat as many calories as you need for good health without getting enough protein.

    Healthy sources include whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, beans, peanuts, peas, nuts, mushrooms, and broccoli. By contrast, too much protein, especially animal protein, can cause people to excrete calcium through their urine and increase their risk of osteoporosis. Too much protein can also strain the kidneys, leading to kidney disease. Vegans do not need to combine foods at each meal to get “complete protein.” All grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts, and seeds provide all the essential amino acids.

  3. Eat nuts

  4. Being vegetarian does not mean your diet will be lacking in protein. Most plant foods contain protein and in fact it would be very difficult to design a vegetarian diet that is short on protein. Excess dietary protein may lead to health problems. It it now thought that one of the benefits of a vegetarian diet is that it contains adequate but not excessive protein.

    Here are some great recipes you might like -

    Most foods contain at least some protein. Good sources of protein for vegetarians include nuts and seeds, pulses, soya products (tofu, soya milk and textured soya protein such as soya mince), cereals (wheat, oats, and rice), free-range eggs and some dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt).

    Sources of protein (single servings)

    Chick peas (200g or 7oz) 16.0g

    Brown rice (200g or 7oz) 4.4g

    1 Carrot 0.4g

    Baked beans (225g or 8oz) 11.5g

    Broccoli (100g or 3½oz) 3.1g 1 Apple 0.3g

    Tofu (140g or 5oz) 10.3g

    Potatoes (200g or 7oz) 2.8g

    Cream, double (20g or 2/3oz) 0.3g

    Cow's milk (½ pint) 9.2g

    Porridge [water] (160g or 6oz) 2.4g

    Lentils (120g or 4¼oz) 9.1g

    Soya milk (½ pint) 8.2g

    Muesli (60g or 2¼oz) 7.7g

    Egg, boiled 7.5g

    Peanuts (30g or 1oz) 7.3g

    Bread, (2 slices) 7.0g

    Hard cheese (30g or 1oz) 6.8g

    Hope this helps.

  5. well there is soya mince which is a protein substitute you could try.

  6. Beans and rice together in a meal is a good complete protein for a vegetarian

  7. Yes. Lots and lots of black bean things. In the frozen section of your local grocery store there should be a variety of "Morningstar" brand name stuff, loaded with protein. :)

  8. beans and spinach have lots of protein!!! do nuts!

  9. 1st up, good choice on being a veg! I'm 13, too. You can go to this one website for vegetarians, called "". That website has a lot of really good recipes you can make. If you eat dairy, you can always have a cheese quesildia. Take one of those soft taco shells, and some shredded cheese, and then put it on a skillet, and flip it. That's got a lot of protein because of the cheese. There's fiber, too. But if you're looking for more protein, you can't go wrong with dairy, of course if you still eat it. Yogurt, milk, cheese, ect. Good stuff, good stuff. =) Hope I helped.

  10. 3 Bean salad!  ( it only takes 15 mins)

    1) saute 3  types of beans in sauce pan with olive oil, till semi-soft (choose complimenting flavors of you choice, i like kidney beans,chick peas and Pigeon peas. if they are fresh soak them in water over night)

    2) add any fresh herbs you like but celery,chives and a pinch of cardamon is a must!

    3) add onions and garlic as you like

    4) you can add  veges to make it a complete meal, like green bean,green peppers, carrots etc. or even minced soy!

    5) remove from heat and toss with mayo and Parmesan cheese, a pinch of salt, black pepper, and  a little sugar.

    6) you can eat it hot or cold, with bread it is amazing!


  11. Consider making your favorite vegetable recipes, and supplementing with protein drinks, yogurt, or even fry some tofu in with your vegetables.

  12. Tofu - fry it in olive oil/flora for a few minutes until it starts to go golden brown. It's nice with soy sauce or ketchup, or with stir fried vegetables (my favourite).

    Eggs - scrambled eggs - 2 eggs, whisked with a little bit of pepper and a tiny bit of grated cheese. Scramble them. Egg salad, egg sandwiches, boiled eggs, omlette etc as well...

    Quorn - you can use quorn instead of meat to make curry (quorn pieces), bolegnaise (sp? quorn mince), shepard's pie (mince again), etc... Most recipies that use meat can be slightly adapted to use quorn (or sometimes tofu) instead.

    Beans and pulses (lentils etc) - you can make curry with beans, bean salad, put them in wraps...

    Nuts - any type of nuts. Great for snacks.

    Cheese - for in sandwiches.

  13. has amazingly delicious recipes for Tempeh and for Tofu. They are easy to follow and the results have won the chef accolades for years in professional settings. Tempeh has the honor of being a fermented soybean cake with a chewy texture. It has a high protein component and is also a great source of Vitamin B12 which is hard for Vegetarians and Vegans to find in the natural world.  Tofu is remarkably versatile and it too has great protein content. Check it out.

  14. broccoli has a lot of protein. You could make cream broccoli

    melt 1/8 of a stick of butter in a saucepan

    add flour until it is a slightly thick texture

    add 1 cup of warm milk

    mix together continuosly stirring

    (better if you have someone to help cook)


    steam broccoli

    finley chop the broccoli

    add to the milk/rue

    salt and pepper to taste

    sorry i dont have any exact measurements!!!

  15. hoorah for vegetarians..

    listen soy protein is the best kind you can get and dont let any meat eater tell ya different. i like to use alot of soy products some ideas for you are:

    -sloppy joes with veggie ground/soy ground beef

    -omelets with soy sausage, fried bananas, avocados, mushrooms, feta cheese or any vegies you like (i personally like to mix some fruits into my omelets for something diff)

    -tacos made with veggie ground/soy ground beef

    -soy milk smoothies(just blend soymilk, some of your favorite fruits ex. strawberries, bananas, kiwi..  add  a tablespoon of coconut oil to get some of your good fats, and ice) yum..

    -simply drinking a glass of enriched soymilk everyday will give you alot of your daily protein (i like silk chocolate and light)

    there are so many things you can make and if you are having trouble finding the veggie products, look in the produce section at your grocerystore you can find everything from nayonaise(soy mayo) to veggie meat balls and veggie cheese.

    So you see protein isn't all that hard to get as a vegetarian but i will tell you to watch out for that B-12 i will even go so far as to recomend that you take a daily supplement of B-12 vitamin b/c it is hard to get, possible if you plan right but def. more difficult.

    Good luck my fellow vegetarian friend.

  16. well not saying you shouldnt eat veggies but there is no need for them in this situaltion.

    just go to a store and get protein mix.

    its a dry mix that you can add to a drink or smootie its yummyy!!!

  17. EAT EGSS!

  18. you should check out publix green wise section!!

  19. hey look up this website

  20. My daughter has a website called  She does some really good protein rich recipes.  Hey gotta support your kids, but check it out any way.

  21. peanutbutter. anything with peanutbutter. avicados also... and nuts, all nuts.

  22. Make supplement "protein shakes" and vitamins.

  23. i'm vegetarian too!

    it's been about a month now.


    i don't know any recipies though...

    'cause i'm a kiddd...

    but just make sure you drink lots of milk and eat:

    cheese, yogurt, etc.


    garden burger?

    cheese sticks?

    yada yada..

  24. I'm an omni, but these recipes for homemade veggie burgers look really good.

    I'm sure you could add beans to any one of them for extra protein.

  25. I am sure eggs give protein, eggs are considered dairy.

  26. If you're eating a healthy, varied diet and you're getting enough calories to meet your energy needs, you're very likely getting enough protein.  Most people drastically overestimate the amount of protein they need.  Here is some info on protein from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:  It includes a few links for recipes.

    Basically, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds and you'll get plenty.  Since you're vegetarian (versus vegan) you can also get protein from dairy and eggs.

  27. Incorporate plenty of soy and  nuts into your diet

  28. The Morningstar Farms sausage patties have lots of protein, but I'm not positive that they are vegan friendly.  Also, yes, LOTS and LOTS of nuts!

  29. i have a whole COOKBOOK for you :)

    title = The Vegitarian 5-Ingrediant Gourmet

    it has really yummy recipes, and they all have a lot of protein.  I promise theyre delicious, i have this!! And every recipe needs only 5 ingrediants, the best part!!

    good luck, and if you want to buy online or see the cover, here is the link to amazon:

    always eat what tastes best,


  30. eat vegan meals, those all always loaded with protein.. like tofu and stuff. i am a vegetarian too and as long as you have a well balanced diet you will be fine.

    Also, a lot of vegetarians have problems with eating too many carbs a day so try and replace those with the protein you want to add.

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