
I'm very concerned about my husband. I have never seen anyone do this before ?

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so I don't know if this is normal. Example - He will be in the kitchen making us dinner (we take turns) and all of the sudden he takes off walking...pacing, from the kitchen, through the living room, to the back of the house and back to the kitchen again. While he is pacing, his face is ...I don't know, focused? But it is like he is in his own world. His mouth is moving as if he is talking, but no words are actually being voiced. His hands are moving also. It almost seems like he is cursing someone out. When I say something, like "Hun", he immediately snaps out of it. I will ask him if he is okay, and he say's yes. He is not aware of this WHILE he is doing it, but once I say something he is immediately aware of it. Please tell me if you have ever seen anything like this, or give me a link so that I can read up on this.

Thank you.




  1. I don't claim to have a perfect answer for you but, he needs a Psch evaluation.  Likely meds will be involved.  Has he been injured, hit in the head, surgeries with anesthesia, I think he is suffering from something that he doesn't even remember or understand.  It must addressed ASAP. Start with a Neurologist.  Expect scans and tests.

    I will tell you why? It could be that something is or has occured in the brain and he needs to find out what it is. It could be something from birth that has decided to move in a different direction.  I am a nurse and have no specific idea what it is.  One thing I do know for sure, those that wait get no answers.  Even if his symptoms seem to stop.  Continue to dig into this.

    Hope this helps and I hope you fond his answer.

  2. your  husband should be evaluated for adult onset attention deficet disorder i do the same thing he's most likely done it all his life as my daughter does this as well

  3. Your husband should see his doc about this.  It could be any number of medical issues or possibly psychiatric.

    I've experienced something like what you have described.  So, a couple questions for you and possibly him to consider.  Does he have a history of depression?  When he gets like this, does he stay geared up for days?  Does he need less sleep then?  There are many more questions a psychiatrist would ask if the medical tests show no problem.

    I have bipolar disorder.  Mild mania racing thoughts can cause that behavior.

    This is a pretty good site that describes soft bipolar, or bipolar type II.

    And, here's the Mayo Clinic's general description of bipolar.

  4. Maybe your husband likes to let his feelings out to himself instead of lettings it out in his head.

  5. This sounds serious. What if he did this at work or while driving a car? He needs professional help ASAP! Good luck.

  6. maybe something is bothering him,

    but he does not want to bother you with his problem

    maybe let him know that if he wants to talk that you

    have time to listen to him and that you care

    hope you can help him feel better

  7. He is probably reenacting a difficult event that happened to him that day or some other day.  Sometimes people can get carried away when they do this.    

  8. Hmm, it sounds like Dissociative Identity Disorder actually. Maybe he is temporarily turning into someone else for a bit, so he doesnt realise that he has disappeared.. it of course could be something else, like epilepsy, but I strongly suggest you take him to a doctor to see what the problem is, if he is willing to go that is.  

  9.   I enclosed a web site in which you may need.. It sounds like he has this and this needs to stop before something happens.  Like an accident if he's driving or something.....  

    Attention Deficit Disorder In Adults

  10. maybe you could try going to a doctor


  11. can you ask him more directly what he's doing? why he's doing this? it may be serious. whatever it is, he's hiding it from you, whether its a problem he's dealing with or some sort of mental disability, he does not want you to know. you need to prod him. because you can't make him go to a doc if he's not willing to talk to you about it

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