
I'm very interest in numbers anfd have studied them and their relativity to the world but would like to learn

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Is any one else out there interested in numbers and the way they relate to our world and even the Bible. I've done alot of research into decoding the Bible and have found many mysterious things I"d like answers to. Also How numbers relate to our world and the power that numbers play in every day life. I'ts not by coincidence that our number system is set up the way it is, or that the bible breaks down into a numbered system. Just think about a day and break it down.24 hrs. is 2+4=6 , 12 inches 1+2=3 , 60 seconds 6+0=6 an hour the same these things go on and on and on. And you can see in fine detail how the Bible breaks down into numbered meanings like the sign of the beast. 6+6+6+18 ...1+8=9 now thats a powerfull number. The whole new testament is based on 9 and the old testament on 6. Just add the books for example. theres 66 books of the Bible total. 27 new 2+7=9 ,39old 3+9=12...1+2=3 Is anyone else interested in stuff like this? Theres tons of things I've found can you help me?




  1. Ray, you're asking a religious question in the Science & Mathematics category, I'm afraid. I know a lot of Christians are enamored with numerology and the Bible, but that's really a topic for Religion & Spirituality, not science. Maybe you'll have better luck over there?

  2. I too have an interest in numbers.  It would be nice if you also pull back a bit and notice that if you're motivated and creative enough you can find numbers to support just about anything that is in your mind.

  3. You are not a lone. I too, read the tea leaves. If we put to pen and paper all that we have come to know we can, we will change the world. The BOOK of Numbers is Biblical. That means it is old stuff. The reason why the book was ever written is Testament to it's importance. Movies such as Star Gate is based upon Ancient Technologies. Egypt is the STARTING point. The word EGYPT in lower case is 1-3-1. My interpretation is 1 God (3 letter word), #3 is a Trinity (N&S). & 1 again. The three is the 1 & the 1 is the 3. Ever wonder why the & is the 7th key on your key board? Why do we have a seven day week? And why is it that the 7th day is a day of rest. I have written a book and my numbers are the same as your numbers. It matters not where you have been schooled the language is the same. Do you know that E=mc2 and do you also know that Pi= infinity? Now then, which is more revealing? If I would write Pi as 3.14 would I not have the TRINITY of the 1. Simply stated it is 3 in the first place and let there be none before it. The decimal point is all that cometh after. The 1 is to give emphises that the 3 is the one. The 4 beith the direction of the expansion. Here on Earth it is to the 4 winds, North, South, East & West. Up, Down, Left, Right. Pi is Greek . Greek is as much Egypt as Egypt is Greek, It is also the noun of MAGNETITE. Magnetite is Pi. IN the crystal form it is BLACK Octahedron. It is why the Pyramid is . I have studied this crystal and it is my GOD. It is Electric, it is the Negative & the Positive. It is infinity, it is energy without mass. It has more signifacance to man and the spiecies of man than E=mc2.

    Based upon my understanding the machine was in the ARK of the Covanant. Two Tablets of Stone, the negative and the positive, together they power the Universe. Did you ever wonder why the Sun does not boil away? It is the liquid state of all the 3 states of matter. It is Neodymium for which there is no known gaseous state. Neodymium is 144.27 on the atomic scale. Why is it that you read 4 x 4 on just about all modes of personal transportation? Why is 40 days and 40 nights from bible stories so signifacant. Why is 4+4 = 8 and why do we use *8* on it's side as the mark of infinity?

    Global warming is not a fault of man it is the magnetic field of the Earth.

    That is another capter.

  4. I don't mean to throw a monkey wrench into your gears, but here is something you should probably be considering.

    The ancient isrealites wrote Bible in Greek and aramaic using a base 6 number system. So in light of the fact that I dont know how to make greek number character, ill show you something in roman characters.

    6 would be written as 10 in the greek text. = used to symbolize incompleteness, unholyness in the bible. Notice its composed of 2 different numbers 1 and 0.

    7 would be written as 11 in the greek text. This is used to symbolize completeness and holyness. Notice its comprised of 2 ones.

    You will find when you convert a lot of the reoccuring numbers in the bible to base 6 they come out as even numbers like 20 or 100.

    12 = 20

    13 = 21

    14 = 22

    There were 13 deciples that Jesus had, plus Jesus there were 22, which would be considered a round number. 21 would be a bad number and it was one of those 21 that betrayed Jesus.

    They did use numbers very symbolically when writting the Bible. I dont think there is any hidden code, the numbers would have been understood very clearly by those who wrote it and in thier culture.

  5. I don't quite get the Numberology of your correlations. Yet a math principle of equality is an illuminer If A=B and B=C then A=C. If Christ =The truth the life the way then the converse.  Read a book like acts and substitute the truth the life the way every time you see the word Christ, or Lord.  The truth did this and the truth did that, and the way healed so and so and the truth and life told Peter such and such.  Behold unto you the truth the life and way were given.  Numen Lumen

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