
I'm very lonely, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have depression as it is. Lately my parents work all the time, and if they're not at work they're asleep. I live in the country so there's not much to do. I turn 18 in a week, and they both have to work that night, I work that day. So, I won't even see them that day. I don't have but one friend and she also works a full time job. I used to be able to talk to women at church when I was sad, but they're giving me tough love and wont talk. I can only talk to my counselor, and I don't see her for another 2 weeks. I was already lonely when they were around, now I'm very lonely.

What should I do? Should I try to talk to one of the women at church?




  1. you are lonely because it seems that nobody cares bout you.Try to find a new hobby and find someone who can share witrh you their expertice on your new hobby, join their group and get along with them nicely. soon you will feel companionship when you are with them. Then you wont feel lonely anymore.

  2. Hi there

    i grew up in the country i had no friends nothing all i lived for was work where i had to deal with ppl  but still not my friends i can say now 34 that i have a wonderful g/f still no friends but life is just great I've traveled the world had fun an got to spend it with my best friend the one i love , so dont worry life has mysterious ways of making the bad times seem worth it be happy enjoy every moment cause it only happens once (ps i wouldn't want to change my past at all and miss out on the life i have now ) take care and enjoy life luv a friend :)

  3. Here u can find lots of people exchanging dialogue, if you enjoy joining gathering of club would be nice.

    there are also some of club on internet, if you have some habits, join the club can show yourself.

  4. You will be 18 in a week you really need to get out and live a little. Make some friends at work or make some at church. You are growing up and your parents wont always be there. You should try talking to someone your own age. Start going shopping, to the movies or just doing fun things.

  5. your a girl correct? or your a guy?

    don't worry we all pass through lonely phases... try making friends at work... and when you go to church talk with people and make conversations... Maybe even join something.. dance, etc to preoccupy your time.

  6. Why don't you get a full time job?  Or part time job?  Maybe you can meet people there.  Instead of thinking about how sad and lonely you are, try and focus on how lucky you are.  Or...try visiting children's hospitals, or volunteer at church or homeless shelters.    

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