
I'm very sad for the assassination of imad moghniyeh. can we hope for a spectacular funeral for him ?

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can we hope some israeli officials will go down as well?




  1. Its sad you've been brainwashed by people who are against Israel. Its God's chosen land as it was written in the Bible. Im sure you will have your own opinion and have something to tell me, but that's not going to help anyway.

  2. You reap what you sow.  He was a cowardly murderer who spent his life in fear for his crimes.  Great job protecting him Iran and Syria.

  3. Here is what is sad.............the fact that the dead terrorist scum that has planned and carried out attacks on Israel resulting in the death of innocents is being martyred.

    Here is what the rest of us non Jihadists are stupified by:

    How is it that it is ok for terrorists to blow up and kill innocent people, but it is not ok for the terrorists to die by retaliation?

    The terrorists scream like the little girls that they hide behind whenever that happens.

    Why is that?

  4. you all need to honestly get real. you wuldnt hav aclue about whats going on in the world yet alone whats REALLY happening out there. so until you do be quiet and observe. yur just the type of people who sit back.. watch the news and belive everylittle thing that comes outa the medias mouth. so u pathetic people can just sit bak and keep doing that bekoz theres honestly nobody out there who doesnt pity you. foolish people. hear sumthing n you quikly believe - without explanations or anything. weak. theres no need to be harsh and hasty in situations where you are being totaly irrational and pig-headed. you dont know who this man was, you dont know what he did, or why he did it. you dont know the reason behind his doings. so until you do, keep your mouth closed and stop being biased. it just confirms your idiocy.

  5. I'll p**s on his grave if you want.

  6. you mean the murderer of children who was exterminated

    thinking of having a party my self

  7. Then he was the top Hezbollah terrorist?  He will rot in h**l.

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