
I'm very wealthy......why does this upset people?

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I'm very wealthy......why does this upset people?




  1. It shouldnt you enjoy your wealth and perhaps spread a little round amongst your friends

  2. It doesn't upset me...arrogance does but!

  3. Cos I am poor!

  4. Well, maybe it's what you do with your money that makes them upset. Another is, they may be intimidated, too.

  5. It's not that being wealthy upsets them.  It's going around and telling everyone you're wealthy that does.

    p.s.  I'm wealthy too, and I don't care who it upsets!!!  My bathroom is bigger than most peoples bedrooms!!!

  6. your poor

  7. they are jealous

  8. I doubt that they are upset about your wealth but more about your arrogant attitude.  I know a kid who does well at school and NEVER fails to constantly tell everyone and he thinks  that everyone is upset by his intelligence,haha.  It seems that academic skills and large amounts of money both don't come hand in hand with people skills.

  9. lol, so you think everybody is upset?  wow!  You got some serious bragging problems, slick!

    edit: if your so wealthy, what are ya doing online with us poor slobs, lol

  10. it shouldn't matter to anyone esle how rich you are maybe its your attiude towards your wealth?

  11. Because they cannot get wealthy?

    Everyone has the potential to become wealthy, I guess some people hate the ones who are born into wealth, because it is all on a plate for them.

    I hate it if people find out what car I drive, because it usually you get the 'oohh!' rich b.....d! reactions, but in reality, it is not a brand new one, and I didn't pay that much for it, but people are sometimes jealous.

  12. A lot of people survive on credit as you know, so it annoys them that you don't, even though they would love to be wealthy themselves, rather than be inspired they are jealous and never amount to all that much because of their attitude.

    That said, if people are genuinly trying very hard in life, have nice things and holidays, but worry alot about the future (like will we be able to carry on like this?), they can be very intimidated by others actual wealth, especially if they are your friends, because wealthly people often unknowingly display a natural relaxed composure that people with more anxieties see straight away and if they are prone to jealousy, they will get upset - usually behind your back.

  13. Good for you. As for myself? Well: One table to eat off, one bed to sleep on, one toilet to defecate into, one 'willy' to pass water through, and, one computer to bu££$hit the bored and the "very wealthy" on Y! Answers. Go on. Donate an obscene amount of papermoney to Cancer Research. Now, that; ought cease, "upset"ting "people."

  14. Clearly they're envious. In the olden days everyone knew their place in society but nowadays everyone thinks they're as good as everyone else -- the so-called classless society. Rich people are seen as a remnant of the "bad" old class system.

  15. give some to me i wont be upset

  16. its because some people dont have anything & people like you, like to brag that they have got everything.think of the poor before you brag :-)

  17. It can only be envy. Down a strictly economic analysis there is not society that reach or maintain prosperity with a bad distribution of wealth; this society shows some phenomena that disincentive the economic process like exploitation or preference to groups which does not give enough activity to economic process; here the talent and work is undervalued and just you can increase your level of life by non-ethic practice.

    An exception could be you have an special productive talent (very good actress; very good singer, etc) but if it was the case; people do not envy you and recognize your talent.

    Maybe you think you have an special talent (very good manager, very good opportunist, very good communicator) and the society does not accept it; but this cases are too unusual and apply generally to scientist and litterateurs. Generally the world accept its contribution when they are died.

    In capitalists economies, market says who is poor and who is rich but market sometimes have failures. How ever, markets is best way to assign wealth that we have today.


  19. probably because you boast about it, maybe

  20. coz those  people were brought up to believe 'money makes the world go round'

    fair play.. enjoy it!!!

  21. As long as you live in another world you will never understand . But wait till the civil war of the economy comes then you will be affected too .

  22. i think your a low life,living on a run down council   housing estate,and the only thing in your miserable

    life you have to look forward to is your giro!!!will this upset people,get a life!! funny no one as give you a star yet,i wonder..

  23. Sound like it may be YOU who upsets people and not your bank balance.

    "I'm very wealthy" This statement says a lot about you.

    Sounds like your just not a very likable human being.

    Remember, 1st impressions count!!!

  24. I suspect that you may be attempting to blame people's personal reactions to you upon your money.

  25. I seriously doubt you are "very wealthy" because most "very wealthy" people have enough class not to brag about it.

    Tell you what, Sunshine,  my "very wealthy" friend... why don't you send me a copy of the recap page from your checking account and if I like what I see... I'll BUY IT FROM YOU.

  26. Your money mate, your conscience about how you got it and what your doing with it. Sounds like you're worried if you have to ask.

    I'm very poor......why does this upset nobody? lol

  27. envy would be the obvious answer that's why most people console themselves with the adage 'I could be worse off.'

  28. It maybe your attitude and how you act toward people. If people don't know you have money, they will certainly know or learn how arrogant you are.

  29. now then,is it your wealth,or is it was left to you when some one kicked the bucket,because your not very clever to have earned it,you have not got a best answer yet!! or are you planning on buying one!! iv"e got a few bob me sen lad..

  30. I don't know, I get the same when I go out and buy rounds of champagne for me and my friends.  I can hear people saying "posh b*tch" under their breath haha.

    Hey don't hate me cos you ain't me!

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