
I'm voting for the war vet and the hockey mom. What about you?

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Amit? You talk about people being uneducated. the "no child left behind act" is actually" is, the "Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965" passed by Lyndon Baines Johnson, a democrat. There were minor changes made to it, Get your facts straight.




  1. NO, I'm voting for the two most qualified candidates - Obama and Biden!

  2. OBAMA he has a plan..

  3. You mean the pit bull wearing lipstick???

    I can't wait to see the first run in between her and Pelosi. It'll be funnier than wrestlemania.

  4. They are war vets and hockey moms for a reason. One should be in a geriatric home and the other should be a hockey mom to her five kids.  

  5. I'll take a war vet and hockey mom over 2 senators any day.

  6. Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Typical. Don't bother to vote on the issues, just the candidates that sound good to you.

    We need a voting test in this country. Only responsible citizens who bother to take democracy seriously are allowed.

  8. No I am not voting for the hot tempered McCain and his angry hockey mom.

  9. The war vet who isn't exactly against torture? The hockey mom who was mayor of a town with less thank 10k people? I might as well vote for popsicle stick and lawn ornament. They are great candidates.

    - Sikchick -

    How does being in the military qualify someone as president? I'm sure that George W Bush's vast military experience is exactly what allowed him to have such a successful presidency.

    Palin has lead people, I will give you that. She lead the people of Wasillan into a 22 million dollar debt.

    Also, you confuse fact with opinion.

  10. I'm not voting for Songbird and the right-wing nut case who thinks God wants us to consume more oil.

  11. Nope.  I'm voting for Ebony and Ivory, living together in perfect harmony.

  12. Count me in.  I usually vote for the opposite of whoever Hezbollah endorses.

  13. I am voting for a party who is not As Stupid and Ignorant

    A War Vet helps you fight a war, not run a country; did you listen to the Hockey Mom's speech? I know there are some people who are uneducated and ignorant to do their homework about their candidates; but give the other party a chance so that atleast the Illegitimate sons and daughters have a chance of a better education: Republican Slogan says: (S*&%# all children) Leave no child Behind

    This is what McCain said about Chelsea Clinton:

    "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?  Because her father is Janet Reno."

    I hope you admire a person who would say something to your mothers and daughters.

  14. Me too. The bottom line is, McCain has more experience, and we know who he is. Obama came out of know where, and has about as much executive experience as a pre-schooler.  

  15. Let me guess: you're a red neck?

  16. ug! i'd voe for the vet and pitbull with lipstick if i could, but im under age :( if she ever runs for president i would vote for her tho! :D

  17. I will be right there with you.

  18. You bet!!!!! It's the only sensible pick.

  19. Absolutely not.  

    I consider it ridiculous and an insult to all polititians and voting Americans that this is actually what you would base your vote on.  Are you kidding?  

    I'm voting for a leader with morals, a vision, the ability to LEAD (and manage), the one with ethics, family values, respect, and one who hasn't been indicted.  

    OBAMA/BIDEN - the leaders for America, the leaders for change

    (Brought to you by a person making under $5million a year)

    I'm Dr TT and I approved this message.

  20. Obama all the way!!!

  21. I wasn't sure who I could vote for until I heard Sarah Palin. I knew I couldn't vote for Obama, and wasn't too sure about McCain. Now I think I can vote for him with Palin on the ticket.

  22. I'm voting for the guys who actually want to help middle and lower class people, that would be Obama/Biden (you know people who actually want to provide healthcare to people and improve public education).

  23. Me too!


    Is Obama a war vet?  Was he ever in the Military? NO!

    Has Obama ever lead anything or anyone?  Does he have more experience than the hockey mom?  NO!

    They are more experienced and more prepared than Obama!  And I think that's a fact the article on Yahoo! left out.

    How does it qualify someone?! Are you kidding?  The fact that the president is commander in chief of the military would make it a huge qualification.

  24. I'm voting for McCain/Palin with a BIG smile on my face!!!!!

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