
I'm wanting a video camera thats in my budget, but really good quality.

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The one that I own now is not good at all. I make music videos on youtube so I need one that can fit the way I work. Also, the one I have isn't very good with lighting. It usually only used outside in the bright day not even in the afternoon. It runs on batteries and after taking two pictures it needs to be given new batteries. The flash is way too bright and it effects the picture quality. Please help me find a video camera that fits my needs, but wont hust my wallet.




  1. anything from olympus is good... also the flip video is small, and works with almost any lighting!

  2. I prefer canon and sony cameras.

    You can have a look at Canon PowerShot SD750 Digital Camera. The lowest price i find for it is only $151.


  4. I have the Casio Exilim 7.2 I love it. I take it everywhere and I like its video quality. Its on sale too in best's the link with more info...

    Good luck!

  5. u didnt mention how much youre willing to spend....


    always..ALWAYS buy SONY for a video camera.

    good quality

    great in size, in battery life, perfect for out/indoors, user-friendly...

    but it can be pricey.

    pick 3 to 5 that suits your budget, then go to consumer guide.

    *reading reviews (pro or not) will definitely help.

    you know what youre looking for so no one can decide for you.

    hope i helped though.


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